
Friday, February 10, 2012

SURGERY OSPE 2012 Part 2

SIMS Surgery Ospe 10-2-12

1. Mamogram showing calcification, diagnosis, investigation, types of CA
2. IV canula, indications, place where applied

1. Ingrow toe nail, management, prevention
2. Stricture of lower part of espophagus,
3. Carbuncle, causative organism, most common cause, treatment
4. Catgut, mechanism of absorption, duration, uses
5. Cavernous hemangioma, investigation, management, biopsy should be taken or not
6. Fracture of C5-C6
7. Fracture of tibia and fibula
8. Bulbar urethral injury
9. (Unable to remember right now)

thyoid swelling
1)airway mask. wht is use of thumb, wht anaesthetic doing with fingrz
2)3pic 1 of x ray fracture tibia n fibula 2nd x ray showing fracture with DCP 3rf pic extrnal fixator
3)extradural hemorrg
4)xray pelvis. fracture of sup ramus of ischium n separation of pubic simphysis. 2 urologic complication, wht clinical test is done n wht is emrgncy managmnt
5)x ray chest finding?(hemaothorax ) emergency n specific managmnt
6)vericose vein, 3 tst,1 invstigatn, 1 complication
7)tracheostomy tube. indications, precautions,complications
8)basal cell ca, 3 ways of treatmnt, 1 investigation
9)mid laprotomy insion

Sargodha medical college surgery OSpe 10-02-12
1.proximal third of ulna fractre
managment? definate treatment ? cmplication
2.double j pelvi ureteric stent on x ray abdomen
how we will place it?
advantage? cmplicaionz?
wht will hold it in its position?
3.extradural hematoma ct scan
managment?definite treatment?
4.gas under diaphragm x ray.
wht investigation,diagnosis,finding?
5 steps of managment?
5. barium follow through n there was obstruction,
tell the managment?
functions of its parts n their name ?
7. plane dissecting forcep .
uses? emergency use?
how sterlized?
8. cleft lif.
wht other area u will see?
wht procedure u wll do?
at wht age it will be corrected?
9. percutaneous transhepatic cholaangiogram
arrow pionted at billary dilataion n stone.
wht major structure abnormality present , dilated CBD.
wht other one use then its diagnostic use .
10. colostomy n illostomy bag.
its function .how attached ? cmplicationz?
11. proctoscopy with injection scleretherapy ,
5 percent phenol wth almond oil is used . uses?

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