
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Amazing Must Have App

No matter whether you are a doctor or a traveller, the Word Lens app is a must have for anyone looking to bridge a language barrier.  As the medical community knows, language can be one of the biggest obstacles to communicating with a patient or other staff members.  Now you can use your iPhone or iPod to help like never before.
With this app, all you need to do is snap a picture of the text, and it will translate it into the language of your choice.  It is an excellent choice for those who need to translate medical notes, forms, or other printed words.  Just snap and translate to help you communicate.  It even turns your picture into the new language using the images and font it found in the original. 
One of the best features of the app is that there is no need to be connected to the internet.  In can work without the roaming or connection costs of other apps.  It even removes the need to type words into a translation app. 
Those interested in the app can try it out for free.  There are also packages in English, Spanish, and French that can be purchased separately for $9.99.
There are also plans to expand the app into several different other languages and mobile platforms. 
Casey Roberts is a student and also writes for Radiology Assistant which helps students find the right radiology degree.

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