
Friday, February 28, 2014

Fcps Radiology Part1 Feburary 2014

Fcps Radiology  Part1 Feburary 2014

1: pulmonary artery derived from
ist aortic arch

 2: mandible derived from
ist branchial arch
ist branchial pouch
3rd arch

3: roof of posterior horn of lat ventricle formed by
body of corpus callosum

4: most common cause of aphasia is inj to:
(frontal lobe was not in options i think) 
parietal lobe
temporal lobe
cingulate gyrus

5:person with emotional lability,memory prob,aphasia..mostlikely lobe involved

6:corpus callosum is

7:corpus striatum is
globus pallidus n putamen
caudate n putamen
gb n caudate

8:blood supply of cingualte gyrus is
ant cerebral art
middle cerebral art
posterior cerebral art
post communicatng

9:which is NOT drained to superior or inferior petrosal sinus in anyway
great cerebral vein
internal cerebral vein 
superficila middle cerebral
deep middle cerebral

10: which structure passes through int acoustic meatus
jugular vein
facial nerve
mendibular nerve

11:which one is true regarding trigeminal ganglion
lie close to cavernous sinous
completely covered by dura
present in trigeminal cave

12:person with painless unilateral visual problm n no finding on xray orbit.most likelycause is:
optic nerve tumor

13: structure which is most superficial in parotid gland
facial nerve
retromendibular vein
maxillary artery

14: retropharyngeal space DOES NOT communicate with:
infratemoral fossa
parapharyngeal space
prevertebral space
middle mediastinum
superior mediastinum

15:  thyroid moves on deglutition.due to
pretracheal fascia
prevertebral fascia
cervical fasscia

16:action of sternocleidomastoid
moves face on similar side against resistance
moves to opposite side

17:thyroid isthmus lie opposite
2,3,4 tracheal ring
3 4 5 ring

18-21: there were abt 4 mcqs regarding venous drainage and blood supply of heart 

22: mcq abt embryological development of interventricular septum

23: fb most likely lodged in which lung lobe
rt lower lobe 
lt lower lobert
upr lobe

24:one mcq was regarding segment of lung lobe

25: arching impression on left lung is for
azygous ein
arch of aorta
thoracic duct

26: one mcq regarding costodiaphragmatic recess

27:true abt mammary glandsecretory tissue of body

28:indentations on breast skin in carcinoma are due to
coopers ligament
fibrosis etc

29:ca of uper latera lquadrant drains into
ant grp
posterior grp

30:mcq regarding reflex arc

31:death in hanging is due to fracture of
odontoid process
c6 vertebra
c7 vertebra

32: which structure is pierced in lumbar puncture if perfomed in PARAMEDIAN plane
poterior longitudinal ligament
ligamentum flavum

33:stab wound on ant chest wall just lateral to sternum will pierce
int inercostal muscle
 posterior int muscle
intrna intercostal membrane

34:mcq abt attachment of diaphragm

35:pain right hypochondrium.segment involved is

36:pain epigastrium caused by gastric problm is due to
greater splanchnic nerve
lesser sp nerv 

37: which is true abt tendinous intersection
upr limit near xiphoid
ends at pubic symphysis 
both ant and post layers of rectus sheath r attached strongly

38:lumbar triangle of petit boundaries

39:dorsal rami suppyextensors of back

40: spinal nerve passes through intervertebral foramen

41:trachea end at;

42:brown squared synd.true is
ipsilateral vibration contralateral pain temp inolved

43:content of spermatic cord

44:which is NOT injured during surgery of femoral triangle
fem vein
fem art
great seph nerve
obturator nerv

45:disc slip at L5.which is true
absent ankle jerk
brisk ankle jerk
weak dorsiflexion of foot
weak plantar flexion of foot

46:lymphatic drainage of greater curvature of stomach

47:tumor at portahepatis will compress
portal vein
rt hepatic artery 
rt hepatic duct
lt hepatic duct

48:realationship of hep arterybile duct..which is on rt which is lt.

49:ant margin of lesser omentum forms boundary of epiploic foramen

50:relationshp of 3rd part of duodenum

51: relationship of pancreas,superior mesenteric artery vein

52:relationship of rt kidney

53:gerota fascia

54:relation of ureter,renal artery vein at hilum

55:which is true abt ureter
travels 5mm in post walll of bladder before opening
diameter is 4mm
narrowest part is pelvis

56: epithelium of ureter

57:blood supply of urinary bladder

58: mcq abt splenic sinusoids red pulp

59: in mid trimester rbcs r developed from
bone marrow

60:action of sphincte

r61:worst headache..subarachnoid hemorrhage

62: fat tags in large intestine r
tenia coli
appendicec apiploacae

63:relationshp of spermatic cord

64: which one does NOT increase chances of infertility

65:mcq abt relationshp of uterus uterine tube ovary

66: gonadal blood supply

67:venous drainage of gonads/suprarenal gland

68:to reach rectuterine pouch..which structure is approached
:ant fornix of vagina
post fornix of vagina
post wall of uterus

69:metaplasia of cervix

70:which one supports uterus prevent from prolapse.
.lat cervical ligament

71:sup ingunal ring formed by?

72:deep inguinal ring?

73:branches of axillary artery

74: bulbourethral gland

75:thymus developed from
ist branchial arch
3rd arh
3rd pouch
4th pouch

76:biceps nerve supply action attachment

77:dad swinged her child around himself by holding her hands..child presented with arm held at mid prone positionsupported at elbow by opposite hand.joint dislocated is\
sup radioulnar
inferior radioulnar

78: examples of primary/secondary cartilagenous joints

79:scenario abt inj of ulnar nerve

80:inj of median nerve

81:nerve supply of gluteus max

82:infection of lat part of dorsum of foot will spread topopliteal nodes

83:action of tabialis anterior

84: great sephnous vein used for cut down in er

85:most common site of infection spread in pancreatitis is
lesser seac
subhetic space
paracolic gutters

86: falciform ligament is derived from peritoneum....

87: which is not related to atrium
sa node
crista terminalis
trabeculae carnii

88: scenario abt urachal fistula,sinus,cyst.

89: which tumor doesnt have distant metastasis
 basal cell carcioma

90:most common organism causing meningitis in newborn

91:bone weakness after menupause is due to deficiency ofestrogens                                                                                                                   shared by: Dr FATIMA 

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