
Friday, February 28, 2014

Fcps Pathology Part1 Feburary 2014

Fcps Pathology Part1 Feburary 2014

Q. Treatment of thrombocytopenia, if nor responding on steroids?
* gve platelates twice a weekly
Q. Binucleated cells of liver tissues shows?
* cell devision without nuclear
Q.IN avillage some ppl were nt found well, aftr a time one of them devlop anaemia, on history that man had some medicines so what might he hav?
Q. Which anaemia has best treatment ?
*acute promyelocytic anaemia
Q. PROGRESSION of anaemia on what basis?
* Blast cells on trephine
Q.9:22 TRAanslocation in?
Q.PHIledelphia chromosome in?
Q.PAS +ve organism is?
Ans: bacteria(t.whippli that is actinobacteria)
Q. pt: aftr dental have organism?
Q. which is slow growing thyroid tumor?
Q. WHIch is more aggressive?
*squamous cell carcinoma
*Basal cell ca
Q.Epithelia of conjunctiva?
Q. Pseudostretified columnr ciliated epithelium?
Q.Organ with cuboidal epithelia, filled with follicle… is?
*thyroid gland
*parathyroid gland
Q.UV rays effect on?
Q.For malignancy, best on histopathology?
*inc: nuclear cytoplasmic ratio
Q. Organism lack geimsa staining?
*mycobacterium leprae
Q.Pt: coming from thialand, having diarrhea, givng donuts appearance?
Q.Heinz bodies are present in?
Q.One mcq is frm leukemia, scenario based.. dnt remember,, bt it was CD19 positive
Q.Classification of hyperlipidemia? Scenario was given n in options it was like grade 1, 2 , 3????? I/V drug abuser, endocarditis caused by?
Q. About brucella investigation?
Blodd culture
Sputum culure
Blood & sputum culture
Q. Tricomonas vaginalis is best diagnosed on?
*dark microscopy
*flourscent microscopy
*othr optin also of microscopy
Q. Piece of organ\tissue which shows lymphoid aggregation?
*lymph node scenrrio based question.. HILAR LYMPHADENOPTHY???????
Q.A child coming from village where there is improper sanitation.. he ll have which hepaptis?
*hep A
*hep B
*hep E
Q. 9 year old child based scenario abt peripheral blood counts in which askd abt next investigation?
Q. Scenerio based question abt next investigation.. in which also peripheral count given.
Q. one question regarding HEPATITIS that’s from chandkian
Q. One question abt slide of organ having stroma, smooth muscle, acini, what it will be? (Its from asim shoaib sur)
*parotid gland
*submandibular gland

Q. Two mcqs abt thyroid gland like syymptoms given now we hve to tell wheater its graves, hashimotos..
Q.BEST source of factor VIII?(from patho portion of asm shoaib medicine)
*fresh whole blood
Q.Brucellosis is caused by
*raw milk
Q.Trisomy 18, not associated with? (from asim shoaib patho portion of gynae)
Q.Pt: on operation bed, transfused blood, within minutes of transfusion, he collapsed.. cause?
*Allergic reaction
Q.Which of following is due to inborn error?
*maple syrup urine
Q.Most common cause of UTI?
Q. Mcq regarding swelling of capsule?
Q.Mcq regarding cholesterol disorder?
*Ldl receptor defect
Q.Esinophelia do not occur in?
*all other options from allergic conditions
Q.Cause of meningitis in 5 yr old child?
Q.mcq scenario based , clinical gvng link to poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
Q.Which of following is multiple washing method?
*latex agglutination
*elisa method
Q.Klebsilla is?
*3% present in normal healthy person
Q. Shewartzman reaction is?
Q.METHAMOGLOBIN (question regarding methmoglobin.. ..actually it has different language)
*oxidized form
Q.Regardin Erythropoietin?(also had ajeeeeb wo gareeb language+options)
*IRON_IRON receptor
Q.Regarding MYOGLOBIN?
Q.MOST common inf in AIDS?

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