
Monday, January 21, 2013

FINAL YEAR BOOKS(Complete Guide)


Davidson... good book for all those who have a good hold on patho esp for those who did

 patho from goljan/big robbins...but even if u did it from medium robbins this will do

Kumar & Clark... for those who want all details... BUT it is a very lengthy book and u 

need to be very good at your selection of study matter to go through it and be able to 
revise it in prof. those who want medicine to be their speciality should go for it.

Kaplan(Recomended). again a good book but only for those with good concepts. and who have very 

less time to give to medicine. but at the end u will surely be satisfied that u have touched
 each topic sufficiently enough to give prof.

Inam Danish... Only stroke topics. but i think other books can cover for it. so will  not recommend it

Oxford handbook of medicine...... a very good companion for ur wards since u wont be

 able to carry along davidson everyday. plus once u r done with a big book this will always 
come in handyu to revise the topics and to go through all the exam oriented important stuff 
from tht topic. it is a huge help. plus the new edition also gives details on examination of
different systems so go for this book. everyone should have one

NutShell: Use Combination Of Kumar Or Davidson With KAPLAN

SURGERY ...                                                          

Bailey and love ... for all who are mad about surgery, want their concepts to be right, and 

wanna opt surgical speciality in future this is the book to go for. it is massive. but if u r a 
good selector u wont find it hard to revise. for minor topics consult dogar. and do dogar for general surgery

Dogar... the only recommended book for general surgery. systemic surgery is also good 

and doable and easily revisable. but while u r at it try consulting bailey for GIT and ortho.

Washington Manual of Surgery... again a very good pocket companion. esp for those 

who feel unsatisfied after reading dogar can give it a read. but not reading it wont affect ur
 performance in exams. its just for better understanding and knowledge. bailey lovers dont 
need to go for it.

Churchill... same as oxford handbook of medicine. those who have washington/dogar dont 

need it. those who r relying solely on bailey should get one to have something in wards.

Oxford Handbook of surgery... same as above. although churchill is the better one.

Manipol ..Also good Book

NutShell:     Use Dogar With Bailey(For Syatemic Surgery And Its tables For General Surgery)

                           GYNAE/ OBS ...

ten teachers... for both gynae and obs highly recommended. again an easily 

understandable pattern nd quick to revise. but confusing sometimes. answer to that is listen
 to lectures esp girls. guys can easily escape tortures of gynae...ur not expected to know
anything about the subject :)

Arshad Chowhan... long book. details more than required. good for gals who wanna go 

for gynae/obs in future. plus those who like typical pakistani books with points and 
cramming stuff. hard to revise in 1 day esp gynae.

Kaplan... very good book. short and detailed. missing out on some topics for which either 

of the books mentioned above will do. but its very easy to revise and it gives u all the 
knowledge u need. no confusions. highly recommended for guys who just wanna give
 minimum time to gynae but still wanna get good grades.

NutShell : Use Ten teacher For Obs And for Gyne Arshad Or Ten teacher

                           PAEDIATRICS ..

Kaplan ... easy, short, to the point, and easy to revise...

parvaiz Akbar... extremely confusing book, total cramming, good for nothing.

Nelson... student edition. again a good book. just like davidson. but lengthy. i dont think 

paeds deserves this much time in final year... but for those who want good studying it can 
do good. the ones intrested in taking it as a speciality in future. BUT it will take time to 

NutShell : Kaplan And Pervaiz Akbar Combination

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