
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

WHO is Responsible For this Condition.True Story By Doctor

WHO is Responsible For this Crisis..WHO Forces Doctor Toward Complete Strike....True Story By Doctor

What the Media is showing about doctors and whats the real story behind it ...

 Dr.Irfan Minhas 

Events of yesterday night and today have been very sad. I do not affiliate myself with the YDA( young doctors association), but I am a doctor and I am young. I love my patients, I work day and night for them. For my patients I neglect my family, days pass by without even making a phone call to my mother to say hello because for me human life is sacred and when a poor patient surrenders to my judgment for his life, nothing else in the world is more important.
Today everyone is cursing doctors- media, government and above all the public. I have been hiding from police for past one day, I have been listening to insults imposed by the public and I have been listening to THE BIG FAT LIE presented on a gold plate to an already frustrated public, by media and the Government.
I am writing this note to narrate my personal experience at Mayo Hospital Lahore so that at least my friends and family would know some ground realities. I hope after reading this you will stop hating doctors, specially young doctors.


YDA called a strike, closing the OPD. I am sorry to say, our media is as uneducated as our public. From what media says, I get an impression that nobody has a slightest idea what OPD is. Therefore, I feel appropriate to explain to you what OPD is.
OPD/ Out Patient Department serves the purpose of catering patients with ailments which are not serious or which do not pose a threat to patient’s life. Doctors at OPD give patients a prescription or suggest investigations. Patients then get their medicine, go home and use it.
In my weekly schedule I only have to go to OPD for 2 days, that too from 10 30am to 12 noon. Considering the fact that I have to spend 5 hours in ward on regular days, once a week I am on call for 24 hours( which actually is a 30 hr nonstop duty) and once a week I have to do a 12 hour Emergency ( day or night), OPD is a very minor portion of my duty.


When OPD was closed all the OPD patients turned up at the emergency. At emergency department it is our purpose to treat ailments which pose a threat to patient’s life. We expanded our purpose and in addition to treating serious patients at emergency, we treated OPD patients as well. Meaning we increased our work load by two fold at emergency and did not refuse treatment to any patient. The truth is that patients were being treated as usual, the only inconvenience they had was that they had to walk from the OPD building to the Emergency building.
Media failed to show how hard doctors were working to cover up the closure of OPD. Instead media posed as if patients were going through extreme suffering and were dying due to the YDA strike- an unjust accusation. Lives were being saved and operations were being carried out the entire time. What public failed to understand was that media showed them only one side of the coin. Thousands of patients get well everyday due to our hardwork, hundreds have big words of praise for us. Media would never show a patient praising doctors. What they showed were a handful of frustrated and uneducated individuals who blamed doctors for their own mistakes or who did not understand what had happened with their patient? I had seen relatives of an 85 year old patient who died of end stage kidney disease cursing the doctor when he passed away, the height of their pathetic mindset was that they refused to get dialysis when they were advised to do so, in the end they were putting the blame on doctors and calling them killers. Everyone wants to blame someone for their loss and the Pakistani uneducated population finds pleasure in putting the blame on doctors. Media manipulates this mindset to increase their ratings and earn money. I had witnessed the protest by the patients the media was recording. It comprised only of 10 women, probably paid by the Government to scream against the doctors. That tiny display was posed to be a Punjab wide protest and that video slide was repeatedly shown on tv all day long.


Our beloved Khadim e aala continued to threaten doctors. He did not recognize the effort we were putting in to cover up for the OPD strike. Using the media he turned the public against us. Yesterday night a raid was done by Punjab Police at Mayo Hospital on his orders. The police went inside the Emergency, sabotaged and arrested the doctors on duty- Doctors who were working to save human lives. As doctors at emergency were arrested there was no one left there to save lives. The disorder which was created by actions of police at Mayo and Services Hospitals cost some very precious lives which the media very conveniently blamed the doctors for. Media again failed to show that the doctors who were supposed to save these lives were actually either under police custody or were being beaten by them. I leave it up to you to decide who is responsible for these lives. Few female classfellows of mine were beaten brutally by the police. Media did not show that. One doctor In ICU due to the beating, media is silent.


Today media is telling us that yesterday’s actions were a success. OPD has been opened. Emergency is working. Lives are being saved. Army has come to the rescue. Everthing is good on paper.
Let me tell you friends, everything was going fine yesterday. Nothing is happening in hospitals today. One Army doctor is sitting in the surgical emergency. No doctor in medical emergency, only 2 senior doctors in medical ICU. Handful of army doctors in OPD. Yesterday atlest 30 doctors were operating in medical emergency, same number of doctors on surgical floor. Operations were being carried out. Lives were being saved. Were patients being managed more appropriately yesterday or today? The only thing Government has achieved is that everything is functioning on paper. Patients will die today. The Government and media is responsible for their lives.


On Friday evening at 8pm I started my medical emergency duty. I finished at 8am Saturday morning, went straight to the ward and carried on my duty till 1 pm. Sunday was off, went on a road trip to Gujranwala. When I came back everyone was terrorized at the hostel after what had happened at Services Hospital. As soon as news came that police had raided Mayo Hospital I was advised to flee. I spent half the night on road, the other half at my aunt’s place. Today morning despite being advised by my cousin and aunt to not to go to the Hospital, I went. I went for the love of my patients. Hiding from the police I reached my ward. A secret round was carried out. Patients who were stable were discharged. Doctors who were on call were asked to stay. They were asked to stay hidden in the Professor’s office. Hidden from Police… Hidden from our angry co workers. Rest of us were advised to go home as hospital was not safe for us.


Today being a doctor and being young has become a sin. If you come across police, they will arrest you. If u come across public, they will curse you and you cant treat your patients because hospitals are no longer safe. I request you all that please recognize the hardwork we have been doing. Please recognize who is responsible for the patient’s suffering. Please don’t call us butchers. We have worked really hard to become doctors… we did not spend all those nights studying to be bullied by media, government and public. Have mercy on us. I am not a member of YDA… I am just a young doctor who wants to treat his patients and who wants all this crazy drama to end.

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