
Friday, July 20, 2012

Diabetes Effects On Women Body

There are a few signs connected with diabetes which you'll find are commonplace both in men and in women. With diabetes type 1 and type 2, these consist of extreme thirst, urinating very often, exhaustion and also continual cravings for food. There are symptoms which show up in diabetes type 2 when it advances, like eyesight troubles as well as continued infections in the bladder, skin as well as the gums.

Not surprisingly, in addition there are warning signs of diabetes that will only manifest in women, such as continual vaginal infections. Additionally, there are a few signs of diabetes which usually appear more often in females compared with males, for instance depression.

Plenty of women having diabetes go through depression. The reality is this is actually a common problem in anyone that has diabetes, and very nearly sixty-six percent of all diabetes sufferers go without treatment with regard to their depression. Though the rate is drastically higher in ladies having to deal with diabetes, roughly twenty-eight percent, when compared with men in which the depression rate is approximately eighteen percent.

Recurrent Vaginal Infections
Women with diabetes may possibly end up with repeated vaginal infections, in particular when the woman's blood glucose wasn't taken care of effectively. Obviously, women who don't know they have diabetes won't even try to control their glucose levels. It would definitely be wise for any woman who has repeated vaginal infections to go to their medical professional to see if they could potentially have diabetes.

Daytime Sleepiness
In the course of an investigation including roughly 7,000 women varying in age from 20 through 99, researchers examined whether or not daytime drowsiness coupled with snoring might possibly be signs of diabetes. They learned that daytime sleepiness, without any snoring, seems to be a big risk factor in getting diabetes.

Snoring in conjunction with daytime tiredness were risk factors in acquiring both diabetes as well as high blood pressure. The research workers decided there could very well be an unidentified process which probably develops with sleep disrupted breathing, that raises the danger of acquiring diabetes.

Sexual Problems
Women having diabetes are usually a higher risk of having sexual difficulties, like very painful or unpleasant love-making, very low sexual interest and also reduced or possibly no sexual response.

Urinary Tract Infections
Both males and females having diabetes may be afflicted with this issue. Females who get urinary tract infections usually feel pressure all around their pubic bone, and a recurring need to use the bathroom accompanied by discomfort while urinating.

Menstrual Issues
Young females with diabetes type 1 (a metabolic health problem which customarily appears in childhood as well as teenage years) can have a later initial menstruation. Later on they might have irregular or maybe no menstrual period whatsoever, and also problems with sterility. On top of that, they may also undergo the change of life sooner than the majority of women.

Bladder Control Problems
This is the unintended seepage of urine that is commonplace for females having diabetes. Somewhere around thirty-five percent of all women greater than sixty will have this issue, however among women experiencing diabetes the rate is fifty percent greater.

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