
Friday, February 17, 2012

Paeds OSPE Final Year 2012

Paeds ospe 19th feb...PMC

cephalhematoma...causes, treatment.

rheumatic fever....invx, treatment, prevention.

pststreptococcal glomrulonophritis.....invx, treatment, signs.

lumbar puncture....procedure, CI.

rickets xray....clinical signs.

ITP.....invx, treatment.

haemorrhagic disease of newborn....treatment.
downs syndr....mechanism

Paeds OSPE

duaedenal atresia.

....diaphargmatic hernia.

milliaray tb...all xrays....

..match the column of bleeding disorders..

......von willebrand and heamophilia ki beeding profile ki findings ki detail. golmerular nephritis.

.....and ek tbm ka pt tha was to pich frm options most 2 imp test at bed side..

Ospe WMC 18th feb-PAEDS

1.pic of growth chart,name the chart,wot it shows and uses

2.needle cutter identify and tell the name of instrument and diseases which can b prevented by using this instrument
3.pic or turner....tell findings and 1st investigation

4.facial palsy identify,causes,UMN and LMN differences and rx

5.congenital hypothyroidism pic,findings and inves

6.pleural effusion xray...findings,cause and 2 organisms

7.intestinal obstruction,presentation and rx

8.marasmus pic---tell findings and name the condition

observed---VSD and THalsemia

PMC Ospe 18 feb

1.miliary tb. x ray findngs,treatment.prevntn in childrn.

2.physiolgcl jaundice hstry points&charcteristcs..

3.CT Brain ring enhancemnt lesion.clincl signs.

4.LP needle indcatnz n C/I.

5.X ray multple rib fractures,hstry pts,child abuse

.6.Edward syndrme trismy 18 its clncl featres.

7.nephrotic syndrme.criteria.scndry treatmnt.

8.X ray wrist rickets..clncl fndngs.x ray findngs.preventn

PMC 17 feb

1.pic of bitot spots,vit a def,WHO classification of vit a def and management

 2.x ray pleural effusion pneumonia in 5 yr child two causative agents in this 

group,two steps of management

 3.x ray of TOF.

2 abnormal findings on x ray and management 4.PDA and 

5 .autosomal recessi ve disorder,chances of inheritance in next 

offspring,sex ratio of inheritance 

6 marasmus and treatment

 7 DIC and investigations and result of investigations 8.pic showing bruzinski 

sign and kernick sign,meningitis and complications of disease

UMDC ospe peads :17 Feb

1. marasmus and kwashiorkor pics, difference between both

2. nephrotic syndrome scnerios child with edema , investigations and treatment

3. Down sydrome pic, how to screening , wats the test for confirmation

4. ITP scenerio with a female with bleeding and bruises,dignosis, investigations and managment

5. Foreign body inhaled ,scenerio diagnosis , wat will u do nd wats the out come?

6.hepatitis surface antibody postive mother gives birth to a baby by c
section..wat will u do? Nd wat the follow up?

7.x ray chest with bilateral hilar lymphedenopathy , opacities nd obliteration of

costopherenic angle , tell findings,wat the organism nd management 

8.RSD scenerio , dd nd managment.....

SIMS paeds ospe 

1.composition of ORS

2.celiac disease,diagnosis,investigations n their yeild n treatmen

3.ITP,diagnosis n treatmen

4.Infant of diabetic mother,complications n treatment

5.Pic of Mitral n aortic regurg,cause of this n jones criteriae

6.xray findings(pleural effusion) diagnosis,organisms n treatment

7.pneumoperitoneum xray(NEC) risk factors n treatment

8.ambu bag n face mask used in neonate resusicatation,wat is APGAR??


1. ITP n treatmnt

2. Signs of meningial irritation n complications of disease

3.Bitot spot vit def? WHO Classification? n treat

4.Chicken pox. incubation period? complications?
 radiological signs? treatmnt

8. RDS treatment n risk factorsingitis/encephalitis n inves n complications

6. mitral regurgitation. cause treatmnt

7. NEC


marasmus,clinical findings,management 
2.nephrotic syndrome,finding in pic,finding in examination,mange

 3.TOF,finding on xray,emergency t/m 


5.bronchiolitis 3 organisms and rx

6.lumber puncture,complete procedure,3 C/I, 

7.wot is shown in pic(knee jerk)root value and 3 conditions in which it is absent

 8.down syndrome and 8 clinical signs

PMC paeds ospe:


2.gover sign,in which disease,patrn of inheritance,investigations

3.koplik spots,in which disease,prevention and mode of transmision

4.acrodrmatitis enteropathica,management

5.plural efusion,name the procedure and it's step

6.bleding per rectum no diarheoa no wt lose..ans is rectal polyp,3 dds

7.a knwn case of tof nw devlpd sever dyspnea and cyanosis,res rate more than 

42,ans was tet spel and emergncy trtment

8.metabolic acidosis,causes,treatment

SIMS paeds ospe 

1.composition of ORS

2.celiac disease,diagnosis,investigations n their yeild n treatmen

3.ITP,diagnosis n treatmen

4.Infant of diabetic mother,complications n treatment

5.Pic of Mitral n aortic regurg,cause of this n jones criteriae

6.xray findings(pleural effusion) diagnosis,organisms n treatment 

7.pneumoperitoneum xray(NEC) risk factors n treatment

8.ambu bag n face mask used in neonate resusicatation,wat is APGAR??

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