
Monday, February 27, 2012

Complete list of Oscar winners

HOLLYWOOD: The following is a list of the winners in all categories at the 84th Academy Awards on Sunday:

- Best picture: "The Artist."
- Best director: Michel Hazanavicius for "The Artist."
- Best leading actor: Jean Dujardin in "The Artist."
- Best leading actress: Meryl Streep in "The Iron Lady."
- Best supporting actor: Christopher Plummer in "Beginners."
- Best supporting actress: Octavia Spencer in "The Help."
- Best foreign language film: "A Separation" (Iran).
- Best animated feature: "Rango."
- Best original screenplay: "Midnight in Paris."
- Best adapted screenplay: "The Descendants."
- Best original score: "The Artist."
- Best original song: "Man or Muppet" from "The Muppets."
- Best art direction: "Hugo."
- Best cinematography: "Hugo."
- Best costume design: "The Artist."
- Best documentary feature: "Undefeated."
- Best documentary short: "Saving Face."
- Best film editing: "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo."
- Best makeup: "The Iron Lady."
- Best short animated film: "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore."
- Best short live action film: "The Shore."
- Best sound editing: "Hugo."
- Best sound mixing: "Hugo."
- Best visual effects: "Hugo."

Most Oscars won
"The Artist" - 5
"Hugo" - 5
"The Iron Lady" - 2
"Beginners" - 1
"The Help" - 1
"Midnight in Paris" - 1
"The Descendants" - 1
"A Separation" - 1
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" - 1
"Undefeated" - 1

The following nominated films failed to win any awards:
"Albert Nobbs"
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2"
"Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"
"Transformers: Dark of the Moon"
"The Tree of Life"
"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close"
"My Week with Marilyn"


Friday, February 17, 2012

Paeds OSPE Final Year 2012

Paeds ospe 19th feb...PMC

cephalhematoma...causes, treatment.

rheumatic fever....invx, treatment, prevention.

pststreptococcal glomrulonophritis.....invx, treatment, signs.

lumbar puncture....procedure, CI.

rickets xray....clinical signs.

ITP.....invx, treatment.

haemorrhagic disease of newborn....treatment.
downs syndr....mechanism

Paeds OSPE

duaedenal atresia.

....diaphargmatic hernia.

milliaray tb...all xrays....

..match the column of bleeding disorders..

......von willebrand and heamophilia ki beeding profile ki findings ki detail. golmerular nephritis.

.....and ek tbm ka pt tha was to pich frm options most 2 imp test at bed side..

Ospe WMC 18th feb-PAEDS

1.pic of growth chart,name the chart,wot it shows and uses

2.needle cutter identify and tell the name of instrument and diseases which can b prevented by using this instrument
3.pic or turner....tell findings and 1st investigation

4.facial palsy identify,causes,UMN and LMN differences and rx

5.congenital hypothyroidism pic,findings and inves

6.pleural effusion xray...findings,cause and 2 organisms

7.intestinal obstruction,presentation and rx

8.marasmus pic---tell findings and name the condition

observed---VSD and THalsemia

PMC Ospe 18 feb

1.miliary tb. x ray findngs,treatment.prevntn in childrn.

2.physiolgcl jaundice hstry points&charcteristcs..

3.CT Brain ring enhancemnt lesion.clincl signs.

4.LP needle indcatnz n C/I.

5.X ray multple rib fractures,hstry pts,child abuse

.6.Edward syndrme trismy 18 its clncl featres.

7.nephrotic syndrme.criteria.scndry treatmnt.

8.X ray wrist rickets..clncl fndngs.x ray findngs.preventn

PMC 17 feb

1.pic of bitot spots,vit a def,WHO classification of vit a def and management

 2.x ray pleural effusion pneumonia in 5 yr child two causative agents in this 

group,two steps of management

 3.x ray of TOF.

2 abnormal findings on x ray and management 4.PDA and 

5 .autosomal recessi ve disorder,chances of inheritance in next 

offspring,sex ratio of inheritance 

6 marasmus and treatment

 7 DIC and investigations and result of investigations 8.pic showing bruzinski 

sign and kernick sign,meningitis and complications of disease

UMDC ospe peads :17 Feb

1. marasmus and kwashiorkor pics, difference between both

2. nephrotic syndrome scnerios child with edema , investigations and treatment

3. Down sydrome pic, how to screening , wats the test for confirmation

4. ITP scenerio with a female with bleeding and bruises,dignosis, investigations and managment

5. Foreign body inhaled ,scenerio diagnosis , wat will u do nd wats the out come?

6.hepatitis surface antibody postive mother gives birth to a baby by c
section..wat will u do? Nd wat the follow up?

7.x ray chest with bilateral hilar lymphedenopathy , opacities nd obliteration of

costopherenic angle , tell findings,wat the organism nd management 

8.RSD scenerio , dd nd managment.....

SIMS paeds ospe 

1.composition of ORS

2.celiac disease,diagnosis,investigations n their yeild n treatmen

3.ITP,diagnosis n treatmen

4.Infant of diabetic mother,complications n treatment

5.Pic of Mitral n aortic regurg,cause of this n jones criteriae

6.xray findings(pleural effusion) diagnosis,organisms n treatment

7.pneumoperitoneum xray(NEC) risk factors n treatment

8.ambu bag n face mask used in neonate resusicatation,wat is APGAR??


1. ITP n treatmnt

2. Signs of meningial irritation n complications of disease

3.Bitot spot vit def? WHO Classification? n treat

4.Chicken pox. incubation period? complications?
 radiological signs? treatmnt

8. RDS treatment n risk factorsingitis/encephalitis n inves n complications

6. mitral regurgitation. cause treatmnt

7. NEC


marasmus,clinical findings,management 
2.nephrotic syndrome,finding in pic,finding in examination,mange

 3.TOF,finding on xray,emergency t/m 


5.bronchiolitis 3 organisms and rx

6.lumber puncture,complete procedure,3 C/I, 

7.wot is shown in pic(knee jerk)root value and 3 conditions in which it is absent

 8.down syndrome and 8 clinical signs

PMC paeds ospe:


2.gover sign,in which disease,patrn of inheritance,investigations

3.koplik spots,in which disease,prevention and mode of transmision

4.acrodrmatitis enteropathica,management

5.plural efusion,name the procedure and it's step

6.bleding per rectum no diarheoa no wt lose..ans is rectal polyp,3 dds

7.a knwn case of tof nw devlpd sever dyspnea and cyanosis,res rate more than 

42,ans was tet spel and emergncy trtment

8.metabolic acidosis,causes,treatment

SIMS paeds ospe 

1.composition of ORS

2.celiac disease,diagnosis,investigations n their yeild n treatmen

3.ITP,diagnosis n treatmen

4.Infant of diabetic mother,complications n treatment

5.Pic of Mitral n aortic regurg,cause of this n jones criteriae

6.xray findings(pleural effusion) diagnosis,organisms n treatment 

7.pneumoperitoneum xray(NEC) risk factors n treatment

8.ambu bag n face mask used in neonate resusicatation,wat is APGAR??

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


UHS OSPE Pediatrics Annual 2009
Club foot
VWB disease
X-ray rickets
GCS and management of trauma
ABd paracentisis and comlications
EPI chart
Tuberculoma .. t/m
Ascitic tab procedure
Enteric fever d/d?
Diarrhea plan C
Phototherapy machine 3 complications
Clubbing causes
Fe def anemia
pleural effusion
Hemolytic anemia
Glycogen storage diseases
Chest tube
Splinter Hemorrhage
Renal stone
Xray B/L consolidation with lyphadenopathy
pic of face with sunken eyes
1st day peads ospe : haemolytic anemia,its diagnosis? treatment? 1 complication? / glycogen storage disease, other signs & investigations? / meningomyelocoele,identify picture? complications?what 2 give the mother 2 prevent further children? / chest tube drainage & its complications? / vsd presenting with complications of infective endocarditis? pic, investigate to confirm? / infantometer, its use n how 2 use it / kidney stone xray, findings, symptoms of dis / T.b xray findings n investigatnz.
2nd day peads ospe:
1.Clubing,other site,causes.2.Richeti rosary (pic),tel abnormality nd diagnosis.3.Tuberculoma,ct scan findng,management.4.Shock scenario,investigation,managem
ent.5.Hair on end apearance,diagnosis,investigation.6.Photother...apy machine,purpose of it,complications.7.Abd paracentesis,identify,procedure.8.Typhoid scenario,diagnosis, D/D,indication of steroid in it.
3rd day peads ospe:
1- head injry pt.count gcs n mangmnt
2-foly catheter..Indic nd cmplic
3-von willibrnd disease. Diagns tst, patrn of inherit
4-tension pnemo findings nd emrgncy treatmnt
...5-rckts findings nd diagnsis
6-vacc accordin to epi at brth,10 weeks,14 weeks,6 mnth & 15 mnth
7-abd paracentesis pic.Diag & cmplic
8-talipes equinvarus..Diag nd treatmnt
4th day peadz ospe:
1.weight machine....idntify n growth parametrz of newborm,1yr n 2yr.
2.pulse oxymetr....idntify,wat measurez
3.down synd pic....idntify,featurz n cmplicationz
4.term baby wid meconium...senerio....neonatal
sepsis,specific in...vst.n managment
5.vomiting wid ph 7.4 Hco3 38...senerio....pyloric stenosis,mangment
6.x.ray wid plural efusion n cnsolidation...pneumonia,causz
7.x.ray of kidney wid uti infectionz history...findingz(dilatd pelvis n stonez),causez
8.peripheral blood film pic...idntify cellz(sickle cellz),featurz of it

UHS OSPE PEDIATRICS 2010 Supplementary

1) Newborn baby with neonatal jaundice a few hours after birth, Hb:12----
(i) diagnosis?(Rh incompatibility)
(ii) important investigations (blood groups of mother and baby, direct coomb's test in the infant)
(iii) management (photo-therapy, exchange transfusion, pharmacologic therapy)

2) Picture of child with Down's syndrome
(i) diagnosis?
(ii) enlist clinical features seen in the picture?
(iii) type of defect? (trisomy 21)

3) ECG findings given---
(i) diagnosis? (Rheumatic fever with carditis)
(ii) ecg findings? (first degree heart block, PR interval prolonged)

4) Blood film picture showing infected RBCs----
(i) diagnosis? (cerebral malaria)
(ii) name of investigation?(thick and thin blood films)
(iii) management?

5) Picture of vesicular rash in specific skin area only---
(i) diagnosis: (herpes zoster infection)
(ii) treatment ?

6) Patient with relative on anti tb drugs---
(i) imp investigations?
(ii) (don't remember the other 2 questions sorry)

7) X-ray of wrists---
(i) diagnosis? (rickets)
(ii) x-ray findings? (cupping fraying flaring osteopenia)
(iii) important investigations?

8) X-ray with collapsed lung ---
(i) diagnosis? (pneumothorax)
(ii) xray findings?
(iii) emergency treatment?

GBS, pyogenic meningiis. marasmus. kwashiorker, nephrotic syndrome, ambu bag, stunted growth, RDS
ospe at LMDC..
RDS,growth hormone deff,kwashiorkar,marasmus,ambu
bag,nephrotic syndrome,tuberculous meningitis.
WMC ospe 21st feb
Ambu bag
Bcterial meningitis
Down's syndrome
paedr ospe NMC
1. Gbs. Cmplictn
2. Hypopituitary dwarfism
3. Ambu bag. Use n cmplictn
4. Kwashiorkor n causativ agnt
5. Marasmus
6. Meningitis n cmplictns
7. Intrctiv hptospleenomgaly
8. Intrctiv rspy systm exminatn
9. Rds x ray
10. Nephrotic syndrom. Features

QMC 21.02.11
observed stationz:
1. GPE n relevant ov TOF pt.
2.GPE n relevant ov nephrotic syndrome..
Pmc ospe....xray respiratory distres syndrme n d/ds.growth hrmne deficiency..cngenital hypopitutrism..
Long cases at LMDC..
down syndrome,asthma,enteric fever,pneumonia,gastroenteriti
s,TB n diabetes mellitus

Wmc peads 21.2.11
nephrotc syndrome pic.dig n 4 cardinl symtms
2.mengits csf rpt
dig n cmplication
3.RDS.xray pic
dig n d/d
4.kwashikor pic
dig,caz n skn changz
5.marsmus pic
dig n caz
6.G B syndrome snrio
dig n lyf threatning cmplication
7.ambu bag pic
idntfy,use n cmplication
8.short strature pic
hypopituitrsm n anthropometrc measurs.
down synd gpe

wmc paeds ospe.. static
1. pic of ambu bag; uses, complicatns
2.pic of a dwarf child due to hypopituitrism; cause of growth faiure,anthropometric measures..
3.scenario wd symmetrical loss of power and deep tendon reflexes in lower limbs; dx. cause of mortality
4.csf findings of acute bact meningitis; dx, comlications
5.pic of marasmic child; cx, causes
6. 24 hr old child present wd severe resp distress and x ray showing RDS;dx d/d
7. pic of child wd generalized edema (nephrotic synd); dx and four characteristc featues to clich dx
8. pic of child wd kwashirkor; what is the nutirent deficiency, name one skin leson
1.palpation of abd of child wd thalasemia
2. gpe of child wd down syndrome..

UMDC peads ospe 21 feb
1.gbs,1complication which cause death
3.marasmus,factors causing it
5.kawashkor,def of nut name it,name 1 skin manifestin
6.nephrotic,cardinal sign
7.ambu bag,use n compli
8.short stature,causes,investigation(a

Paeds Ospe:
a) Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia, THALASSEMIA diagnosis and 3 aspects of management
ans) blood tranfusion, chelation therapy, folic acid, calcium, splenectomy, bone marrow transplant

b) Club Foot Picture....diagnosis and mode of inheritence
ans) mode of inheritence is multifactorial...

c) Measles picture...diagnosis and complications
ans) hemorrhagic measles, pneumonia, viral encephalitis, gastroenteritis

d) Tetralogy of fallot picture...identify labelled abnormalities and diagnosis
ans) pulmonary stenosis, vsd, right vent hypertrophy and over riding aorta
e) Xray chest showing consolidation middle lobe right lung and hyperexpansion left lung...xray findings and diagnosis

f) Umblical Hernia pic(pic uploaded)...diagnosis and complications
ans) strangulation, ischemia, obstruction, constipation, vomiting, infections

g) Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia with parameters...TIBC raised, FERRITIN reduced...diagnosis IRON DEFICIENCY, 3 food products for managament.
ans) green leafy vegetables, apples and bananas, red meat

1. Chicken-poc(photo given) => diagnosis? comlications?
2. TOF(diagram)=> diagnosis? 4 features of TOF in diagram-label them?
3. Lobar Pneumonia(X-ray given)=> findings in x-ray? diagnosis?
4. Iron Deficiency Anemia(laboratory investigations given)=> diagnosis? 3 types of diet you would like to recommend?[Apple, green leafy vegetables, meat, eggs, carrots]
5. Thalassemia major(laboratory investigations given)=> diagnosis? 3 modes of management?[blood transfusion, bone-marrow transfusion, chelation therapy]
6. Umblical hernia=> diagnosis? complications?
7. Club-foot(photo)=> diagnosis? inheritence?[multifactorial]
8. Clubbing(photo)=> identify? causes?
WMC 22nd Feb. '11
1.Club foot, mode of inheritance
2. Chicken pox and compl
3. TOF diag and label diagram
4. Opacity Xray, diag. Lobar pneumonia
5. Clubbing and causes
6. Umblical hernia and compl
7. Iron def anemia and food items
8. Thalassemia and treatment.
1. Meningomyelocoele
2. VSD
Peds ospe. 22.2.11 qamc 
1. Pic of TOF, idntify 4 lesions, diagnosis.2. Blood count showing low mcv, low serum feritn, and iron, raisd iron binding capacty. What anemia.? What diet?3. Bld count: low mcv, hb f 60% , hb low, retic 3, what anemia? (thalasemia.), 3 rx ways... 4. Lobar pneumnia. X ray. 5.clubbed foot pic.. Diagnosis and mode of inheritnc?6.clubing of fingr nails pic. Finding , 3 causes.7. Chiknpox pic and scenerio. Diagnosis and 2 complications8.umblical hernia pic.. Finding, 2 complications.In short cases, always remembr to tak cnsent, develop repot with pt, exposure then examine.

Wmc ospe 22nd feb
Iron def anemia blood cp report diag n food products fr treatment
hypochromic microcytic pic of B-thalasemia intermedia blood cp n hb electrophoresis report
talipes equinovarus its mode of inheritence
lobar pneumonia xray wid findings
pic of chicken pox
n its complications
umblical hernia pic its complications clubbing pic causes
tetralogy of fallot.. Pic of d heart frm pervez
meningiomyelocele walay pt py motor exam plus spine
NMC- OSPE 23-02-11
1. Club foot=> diagnosis? complications?
2. GBS=> diagnosis? Complication that cause death?
3. Measles=> diagnosis? complications?
4. Omphalocele=> diagnosis? complications?
5. Congenital hypothyroidism=> two complications? treatment?
6. Ambu bag with face mask=> uses? complications?
7. Patent ductus arteriosis=> diagnosis? 1 auscultatory finding?
8. Angular stomatitis=> diagnosis? which microneutrient is deficient?

Ospe QAMC 23.02.20111.  
Hypothyroidism scenerio plus pic diag? Complications? Life long treatment?2. Measles pic plus scenerio diag? Cmplications?3. Ambu bag used for? Complication?4. Exomphalos pic diag? Treatment?5. P.D.A Pic diag? What sound heard on auscltation?6. G.B.S scenerio diag? Cmplications?7. Angular stomatitis pic diag? Which micronutrient def?8. Clubbed foot pic diag? Cause?

ambu bag indications n 1 cmplication
club feet diag n cause
measles diag n 3 complication
omphaloceale diag n mangemnt
pda diagnose pathology in pic n ascultatory findings
hypothyroidism diag,2 cmplicationz n drug
gbs diag n 1 complication leading to death.
angular stomatitis . . diagnose frm pic n which micronutrient deficiency

ospe szmc 23feb
1.angular stomatitis..identify,cause foot..identify,cause
3.umbo bag..identify,one use one compl
5.measels..identify,3 compl
7.patnt duc arteriosus..identify,finding on auscul
8.g.b.s..diag,one compl lesdng to death
9.shrt cases..dwn synd..thalasemia

Ambu bag,
Club foot,
GB syndrome

1. Clubbing(pic)=> identify? causes?
2. Acute hepatitis(scenario)=> investigations?
3. VSD with PDA(pic)=> identify? 4 complications?
4. Measles(photo)=> identify? complications?
5. Diaphragmatic hernia(X-ray)=> describe x-ray?
6. Microcytic anemia=> 2 d/d? investigations?
7. Deudenal atresia(xray)=> findings?
8. Matching:
[thalassemia major with increased fetal Hb
alfa thalassemia with hydrops fetalis
sickle cell anemia with hyposplenism
g6pd with oxidative drugs
heredity spherocytosis with gall stones]


1. Ambu bag(pic)=>uses[respiratory insuffiency, resp. arrest, mechanical ventilation],Complications:Hyp
er inflation of lungs, Bullae formation, Infections.
2.Hypopituitarism(pic of a dwarf child)=> cause of growth failure[lack of hormones],anthropometric measures[length, height, weight, and head circumference acc. to age]
3.GBS(scenario with symmetrical loss of power and deep tendon reflexes in lower limbs)=> diagnosis? cause of mortality[respiratory muscles' involvement and respiratory failure]
4.Acute bacterial meningitis(CSF findings given)=>diagnosis? complications?[cerebral edema and raised ICP, subdural effusion,inappropriate ADH secretion, seizures, stroke, shock, ataxia, blindness, anemia]
5. Marasmic child=> diagnosis? causes[dietary deficiency, infections, suboptimal weaning, over-diluted milk]
6. RDS(x-ray with scenario of 24 hour old child presented with severe respiratory distress)=>diagnosis? d/d[pneumonia, meconium aspiration, milk aspiration, diapgragmatic hernia, transient tachycardia in newborn]
7. Nephrotic syndrome(pic of child wd generalized edema)=> diagnosis? four characteristic features of child[protein urea, hypoproteinemia, edema, hyperlipidaemia]
8. Kwashiorkor (pic)=> what is the nutirient deficiency?[protein], name one skin lesion[Flaky Paint dermatitis, ulcers]

NMC-OSPE- 22-02-11

1. Chicken-poc(photo given) => diagnosis? comlications?[infections, pupura fulminans, encephalitis, Reye's syndrome, pneumonia, myocarditis]
2. TOF(diagram)=> diagnosis? 4 features of TOF in diagram-label them?[pulmonary stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy, overriding aorta, VSD]
3. Lobar Pneumonia(X-ray given)=> diagnosis? findings in x-ray??[gross consolidation]
4. Iron Deficiency Anemia(laboratory investigations given)=> diagnosis? 3 types of diet you would like to recommend?[Apple, green leafy vegetables, meat, eggs, carrots]
5. Thalassemia major(laboratory investigations given)=> diagnosis? 3 modes of management?[blood transfusion, bone-marrow transfusion, chelation therapy,folic acid, calcium, splenectomy ]
6. Umblical hernia=> diagnosis? complications?[Ischemia, obstruction, strangulation, haemorrhage, infections, necrosis, gangrene, autoimmune problems]
7. Club-foot(photo)=> diagnosis? inheritence?[multifactorial]
8. Clubbing(photo)=> identify? causes?[given below]

NMC- OSPE 23-02-11

1. Club foot=> diagnosis? complications?[genetic, malpresentation, edward's synd., compartment synd., amniotic band synd.]
2. GBS=> diagnosis? Complication that causes death?[Respiratory failure]
3. Measles => diagnosis? complications?[given below]
4. Omphalocele=> diagnosis? complications?[infection, rupture and intestinal obstruction]
5. Congenital hypothyroidism=> two complications[mental retardation, growth retardation, heart defects]? treatment?[thyroxine with regular monitoring]
6. Ambu bag with face mask=> uses?[given above] complications?[given above]
7. Patent ductus arteriosis=> diagnosis? 1 auscultatory finding?[continuous murmur, P2 loud]
8. Angular stomatis=> diagnosis? which microneutruent is deficient?[deficiency in vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B6 (Pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid) or B12, Iron]


1. Clubbing(pic)=> identify? causes?[Lung cancer, TB, Interstitial lung disease, lung abscess, empyema, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, Congenital cyanotic heart disease, Subacute bacterial endocarditis, Malabsorption, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, Cirrhosis]
2. Acute hepatitis(scenario)=> investigations?[LFTs, Viral serologic testing, PT measurement]
3. VSD with PDA(pic)=> identify? 4 complications?[CCF, Infective endocarditis, Pulmonary hypertension(Eisenmenger's syndrome)]
4. Measles(photo)=> identify? complications?[otitis media, pneumonia, encephalitis, hemorrhagic measles, thrombocytopenia, myocarditis, corneal ulceration, conjunctivitis]
5. Diaphragmatic hernia(X-ray)=> describe x-ray?[CBC, chest x-ray, CT, MRI, echo]
6. Microcytic anemia=> 2 d/d?[Iron deficiency anemia, Beta-thalassemia, anemia of chronic disease, lead poinsoning] investigations?[Hb level, CBC morphology, MCV, MCH MCHC, serum iron level, transferrin level, bone-marrow exam, electrophoresis and x-rays for thalassemia]
7. Duedenal atresia(xray)=> findings?[An X-ray of the abdomen shows two large air filled spaces, the so-called "double bubble" sign..treatment: A tube is placed to decompress the stomach. Dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities are corrected by providing fluids through an intravenous tube. An evaluation for other congenital anomalies should be performed. Surgery to correct the duodenal blockage is necessary, but is not an emergency.]
8. Matching:
[thalassemia major with increased fetal Hb
alfa thalassemia with hydrops fetalis
sickle cell anemia with hyposplenism
g6pd with oxidative drugs
heredity spherocytosis with gall stones]

NMC- 25-02-11
1. Patient with H/O ten minutes back, he's given oxygen and diazepam rectally=> Choose 2 most important bed side tests...(i)blood sugar (ii)temperature (iii)SOMI (iv)ABGs (v)pulse-oxymetry=> [Ans= SOMI, temperature]
2. Nephritic syndrome=> ( Choose 3 best investigations out of six.... (i)24h hr urine collection (ii)urea & creatinine (iii)throat swab (iv)ASO titre (v)renal biopsy (vi)USG of kidney[Ans=(i)urea & creatinine (i)throat swab (iii)ASO titre]
3. Miliary TB=> diagnosis? x-ray findings?[Numerous small cavities seen... (small millets), hilar lymphadenopathy]
4. What are the effects of haemophilia and Vwf on bleeding time, APTT and PT?=> [In haemophila BT and PT are normal but APPT is increased... In Vwf BT and APPT are increased but PT is normal]
5. Diaphragmatic hernia(X-ray)=> describe x-ray?[gut loops in the chest, medistinum shift], investigations?[CBC, chest x-ray, ct, MRI, echo]
6. Down syndrome(face shown)=> 5 clinical features[ short stature, low set ears, slanting eyes, simian crease, flat facies, depressed nasal bridge]
7. Duedenal atresia(xray)=> findings?[An X-ray of the abdomen shows two large air filled spaces, the so-called "double bubble" sign..treatment: A tube is placed to decompress the stomach. Dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities are corrected by providing fluids through an intravenous tube. An evaluation for other congenital anomalies should be performed. Surgery to correct the duodenal blockage is necessary, but is not an emergency.]
8. Matching:
[thalassemia major with increased fetal Hb
alfa thalassemia with hydrops fetalis
sickle cell anemia with hyposplenism
g6pd with oxidative drugs
heredity spherocytosis with gall stones]

1.Malar rash(pic of face with rsh)=> What is the rash called? write two conditions in which this rash coulf occur? What investigations you will go for?
2. Chronic reanl failure(scenario)=> diagnosis? write down 1st five investigation you will like to order?
3. Thallasemic face=> two d/d? investigations?
4. Purpuric rash(pic)=> what is the rash called? investigations?
5. NG tube=> identify? indications?
6. Noonan syndrome....(webbed neck...pictue of a girl) => what is the finding shown? what other findings tou will look for in this patient?
7. Karyotyping(chromosomal pictures)=> what is this called? what sample is order for this?
8. RDS( a baby of 12 days developed respiratory distress and grunting)=> causes? treatment?
NMC- 25-02-11

1. Patient with H/O fits ten minutes back, he's given oxygen and diazepam rectally=> Choose 2 most important bed side tests...(i)blood sugar (ii)temperature (iii)SOMI (iv)ABGs (v)pulse-oxymetry=> [Ans= SOMI, temperature]
2. Nephritic syndrome=> ( Choose 3 best investigations out of six.... (i)24h hr urine collection (ii)urea & creatinine (iii)throat swab (iv)ASO titre (v)renal biopsy (vi)USG of kidney[Ans=(i)urea & creatinine (i)throat swab (iii)ASO titre]
3. Miliary TB=> diagnosis? x-ray findings?[Numerous small cavities seen... (small millets), hilar lymphadenopathy]
4. What are the effects of haemophilia and Vwf on bleeding time, APTT and PT?=> [In haemophila BT and PT are normal but APPT is increased... In Vwf BT and APPT are increased but PT is normal]
5. Diaphragmatic hernia(X-ray)=> describe x-ray?[gut loops in the chest, medistinum shift], investigations?[CBC, chest x-ray, ct, MRI, echo]
6. Down syndrome(face shown)=> 5 clinical features[ short stature, low set ears, slanting eyes, simian crease, flat facies, depressed nasal bridge]
7. Duedenal atresia(xray)=> findings?[An X-ray of the abdomen shows two large air filled spaces, the so-called "double bubble" sign..treatment: A tube is placed to decompress the stomach. Dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities are corrected by providing fluids through an intravenous tube. An evaluation for other congenital anomalies should be performed. Surgery to correct the duodenal blockage is necessary, but is not an emergency.]
8. Matching:
[thalassemia major with increased fetal Hb
alfa thalassemia with hydrops fetalis
sickle cell anemia with hyposplenism
g6pd with oxidative drugs
heredity spherocytosis with gall stones]


1.Malar rash(pic of face with rsh)=> What is the rash called? write two conditions in which this rash coulf occur[SLE, drug reaction, antiphospholipid synd]? What investigations you will go for?[CBC, renal parameters, antibodies, ESR, x-rays]
2. Chronic reanl failure(scenario... urine protein ++, BUN-120, pus cells 12-15, blood+, hypochromic microcytic cells, for 2 yrs, failure to thrive, )=> diagnosis? write down 1st five investigation you will like to order?[CBC, USG, urine protein, urine blood, serum urea, serum creatinine, isotopic GFR, ]
3. Thallasemic face(scenario- repeated blood transfusion... hepatosplenomegaly)=> two d/d?[thallassemia, Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency] investigations?[CBC, Hb electrophoresis, RBC morphology, serum Iron, x-ray]
4. Purpuric rash(pic)=> what is the rash called? investigations?[CBC, PT, BT, APPT, ESR, CT]
5. NG tube=> identify? indications?[unconscious, feeding, aspiration, gastric lavage]
6. Noonan syndrome....(webbed neck...a girl with short stature) => what is the finding shown? what other findings tou will look for in this patient?[heart defects, bleeding problems, and skeletal malformations. Eye abnormalities.. Triangular-shaped face, Hypertelorism, Down-slanting eyes, Ptosis, Strabismus (48%), Amblyopia (33%), Refractive errors (61%), Low-set ears with thickened helices, High nasal bridge, Short webbed neck]
7. Karyotyping (chromosomal pictures)=> what is this called? what sample is order for this?[blood cells, fetal skin cells (from amniotic fluid or the placenta) and occasionally bone marrow cells.]
8. RDS( a baby of 12 days developed respiratory distress and grunting)=> causes?[Surfactant deficiency, Meconium aspiration, milk aspiration] treatment?[ABC, oxygen, steroids, nebulize salbutamol, good nursing care]

Monday, February 13, 2012

Gynaecology & Obstetrics OSPE 2012 Part 1


1. Ectopic preg
2.Bilateral ovarian serous cyst adenoma
3. Spina bifida
4. OUTLET forceps
5. inj. contraceptive
6.Endometrial carcinoma
7. APH
8. Pre eclampsia
9.vaccum delievery
10. Treat of infected episiotmy

11. Epilepsy
12. tubal ligation
13. Cord prolapse
14. PPH
15. Steps of D&C.

1.Ventose it is used describe?
2.HELLP syndrome scenario…3 complications
3.Wreglys forceps
4.Female with bilateral tubal blockage and secondary infertility for 5 years..take consent and explain her the complications of the procdure..

1.types of breech presentations.i don’t rmember the other uestions with this one.
2.risk of twin pregnancy , complications and management of TTTS
3.molar pregnancy scenario, wat do u see on usg, management ,etioligy
4.ECV, gestation at which should be done and contra indications
5. Depoporvera injection , use, MOA, side effects , failure rate
6.define Amniocentesis , wat cells r examined in it , age at which done , rate of miscarriage
7. iron deficiency anemia scenierio , define anemia , investigations , cause of it in this lady (she was gravida 8 so multiple pregnancy )
8.ovarian tumor, investigations treatment options
9. sceneroi of a lady with retained placenta delivery at home about an hour ago, wats the diagnosis?define 3 rd stage of labour , its active management .
10.define abortion, etiology,its types ,wats missed abortion.


 iud , fetal compromise , outlet forceps, pid, incontinence,...


....skull parts n suture closure time.

Sec pph,





mcdonld suture

compli episiotomy,

second stage of labour,duration

Sec PPH causes treatment

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome,


Female sterlization

Secondary dysmenorrhea.

a.parietal bone
b.anterior fontanella
C.sagittal suture
D.posterior fontanella
Wat is fontanella??
At wat age ant fontanella close: 18 months
Shape of anterior fontanella: diamond shape

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Gynaecology & Obstetrics Instruments

                                                                     Babcock's forceps

                                                                       Cusco's speculum

                                                                Spong holding forceps(Ovum forceps)

                                                                                       T tenaculum..

                                                                      Lagenbeck retreactor

                                                                      wrigleys forceps

                                                                                       Lannes tissue forceps
                                                                                                  to hold tissues, tendons and aponeurosis

                                                                          Lodon hospital retractor

                                                                Morris retractor

                                                                Uterine Curettes

                                                                        Volkmann's retractor

                                                                    Morris and Megzenburg scissors

                                                            sharp and blunt curettage

                                                                Straight Kocker




                                                           Morris and Megzenburg scissors

                                                                            Babcock Tissue Forceps

                                                          Morris and Megzenburg scissors

                                                                   Sim's Speculum


                                                                    Ovum holding forceps

                                                                     22 Gauge Cannula

                                                                        towel clamp

                                                                 Sponge Holder

                                                             iyer's Spatula

                                                            Hagger's Dilator

                                                                     Uterine Sound


sponge holding forceps

NG tube

Parenteral nutrition (eg. in cases of comatose patients)
Instilling medications

Improper placement

Confirming Placement:
Auscultate abdomen while injecting solution through it; listen for bubbling sounds.

                                                                           Haggaer's Dilator



                                                                      Cusco's (Duck) Speculum

                                                                      Sim's Speculum


                                                                          sims and cusco

                                                                         Suction Tube

Aspirating stomach contents
Gastric Lavage in poisoning


                                                                        Iyer's Spatula 3

                                                                      sponge holding forceps

                                                                       Morris and Megzenburg scissors

                                                                            Suction tube

                                                        the curved handle one is of cervical bx forceps


                                                                            Cusco's Speculum

                                                                           Sponge Holder


                                                                             Kelley's clamp


                                                                         Kelley's clamp

                                                                           Sponge Holder
