
Monday, January 23, 2012

Pathology OSPE(2010) 4th Year MBBS

1- Disruption of thyroid follicles , with extravasation of colloid leading to a PMN infiltrate.
2- subacute granulomatous thyroiditis
3- viral infection

                                                                           HODGKIN LYMPHOMA 

graves disease

                           ‎1. bronchioalveolar carcinoma 2. lepidic growth which grows along pre existing structures without distorting the alveoli                              3. muscle weakness due to antibodies against neuronal calcium channels

obstructive jaundice,,alk po4ase raised,ast alt,albumin

                            types are giant , intracanlicular n pericanalicular

                            Immunofluorescence staining
                               three types : Minimal change, rapid progressive n membranous

Polyp .. its malignant lesion 
3 types are tubular , villous n tubulovillous

1.Protein loss greater than 3.5 g in nephrotic

                                                               ‎1 ) -single layer of Tall columnar epithelium , they are ciliated n some part are dome                                     shaped secretary cells .
- Psommoma bodies 
2) Serous type 
3) Mucinous n endometroid
Infarct 4 factors: occlusion of an artery (atherosclerosis) , thrombosis, embolus, smoking, age, sex, etc 3. 5hrs-early coagulative necrosis, edema, hemorrhage

‎1- Atherosclerotic plaque 
2- atherosclerotic plaque penetrate the intramycardial branches of coronary arteries n severe occlusion leads mycordial injury. 
3- it composed of cells inlude SMCs, macrophages n Tcells . ECM include collagen , elastic fiber n proteoglycans, Intracellular n extracellular lipids . Superficial layer is Fibrous cap n deep to it is necrotic core

1. lesser curvature, 2. gastric ca confined to mucosa and submucosa regardless of the mets, 3. gastric ca met subcutaneous nodule in the periumbilical region

1.Diabetic ketoacidosis2. metabloic acidosis



 ‎1- seminoma cells : large , round to polyhydral cells wth distinct cell membranes , clear cytoplasm n central round nuclei with infrequent mitosis
2- Seminoma
3- Non differentiated totipotential germ cell tumor

Polcythemia vera 
bone marrow biopsy n level will b low

1- Gaint cell tumor of bone 
2- Malignant 
3- GCTs are large, purely lytic n eccentric, the overall cortex is destroyed producing a bulging soft tissue mass. 
4-Reactive macrophages n mononuclear celss

endometrial carcinomaSimple hyperplasia without atypia , Complex hyperplasia m atypical hyperplasiap53


‎1- malignant cells disrupting the norml epidermal barrier
2- paget disease of nipple 

peptic ulcer diagnoses, syndrome zollinger ellison syndrome complication: bleeding, perforation, obstruction


restrictive lung diseases"honeycomb" 
1- cut surface shows fibrosis ( firm, rubbery white areas)
2- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis n pneumoconiosis 
3-Interstitium in the alveolar wall

Ulcerative colitis : The pale irregular regions comprise ulcerations, n there is also pseudopolyp formations.
UC involve rectum , sigmoid n may involve entire colon

post-infectious glomerulonephritis
1. proliferation of mesingium, epithelial cells and infiltration with neutrophils...
2. Streptococcus with M protein
3. INCREASED ASO TITER, rbc cast in urine

Iron deficency anemia 
causes : low dietry intake , malabsorption n increase demand or chronic blood loss 


papillary carcinoma

pernicious anemia

"clear cell carcinomas"
chromophobe has bst prognosis

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