
Monday, January 23, 2012

MBBS Final Year Ospe Medicine 2011 UHS Lahore 2

Q: Neurofibromatosis...cause, cns associations, prevention & treatment?
2. CSF picture of bacterial meningitis:

3. Hep B counseling
Q:Hep B positive mother...effects on newborn, breast feeding allowed and why? Counselling of husband and prevention of hep B in husband?

4. Folley's catheter:
Q:Foley's catheter...method of insertion, medical reasons for catheterization, how long to leave it in stroke patients, other non invasive methods-diaper, parts of catheter, function of inflated balloon at end, how do u know its placed inside bladder?
Q: Antipsychotics side effects of abdominal rigidity and muscle tension...history taking, treatment of side effects and councelling, reassurance?

Q: Xray finding of consolidation...2 causes, other investigations?

7.acanthosis nigricans
Q: Acanthosis nigricans...features, associated conditions?

8.spider nevi
Q: Spider nevi...most common cause, other findings in patient with spider nevi

9.cerebral haemorrhage:
Q: Subdural hemmorrage...investigation - ct scan, immediate treatment, other findings on ct?

Q:Dobutamin...side effects, indications, substitute?

Q: MI...ECG findings of Anterior wall MI, Treatment?

12. Matching
Q: Matching...ptosis-myasthenia gravis, murmur-hyperthyroidism, pulses paradoxus- cardiac tamponade, cyanosis-emphysema, spleenomegaly-myelofibrosis?

13. tension pneumothorax:
Q: Tension pneumothorax...diagnosis and reason of diagbosis, complications, treatment?

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