
Monday, January 23, 2012

MBBS Final Year Gynae OSPE: UHS Lahore

USG of Ancephaly type of congenital malformation, recur rate, how risk is reduced
CTG components with normal values
maternal DM 4 complications, 3 neonatal complications
PROM, 2 complications 3 investigations 2 drugs used
Observed stations: is ...vaginal delivery of extended breech is possible? 3 factors to take care of before delivery, 3 complictions/.

Observed st: Turnur syndrome, treatmen invest; cuscos speculum, uses, wat to do if suspicious areas seen, treatment of cerviacl CA at stage 3a.
placental abruption with concealed hematoma, signs and symtoms,3 factors to consider before embar...king on treatment

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