
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ultrasound scan is one of the safest and most economical means of monitoring your health

This article will provide you with all the information that you need about this non-invasive procedure so that you can make use of this method in caring for your well being.

In order to complete this method, an instrument called a sonography machine is needed. This medical equipment transmits high frequency waves through the stomach so as to see the organs inside the body. Videos and images can then be recorded so that a more detailed diagnosis can be made to identify the problem that a particular patient has.

If an ultrasound test is being requested by a pregnant woman, then there are 3 options to choose from. The procedure can be 4D, 3D or 2D although the 2D scans are no longer being employed much these days because of its limiting features. The 4D scan is the most advanced type of ultrasound today as it can even record the baby's movements and body features clearly. The 3D scan on the other hand is best used to look into the internal organs of the baby to make sure that the child is growing normally. Through these methods, abnormalities such as having a cleft lip as well as monitoring a baby's internal organs can be properly analyzed.

Keep in mind, however, that an ultrasound is not only useful for pregnancy. This same method is also being employed to diagnose other problems along the abdominal area as it can also check on the condition of the bladder, liver, uterus and ovary. So those patients who are suffering from pelvic pain, heavy menstruation or internal bleeding can also benefit from this method. Pelvic masses as well as ovarian cysts can be easily detected through this procedure and further medication can therefore be applied to remedy the situation.

There are many advantages to using this system of looking into the internal organs of the body. As this only involves scanning, the procedure is painless, fast and non-invasive. Furthermore, an ultrasound machine doesn't emit radiation like an X-ray machine thus making the instrument extremely safe not only for the mommy but the baby as well. And if you compare it with other medical procedures today, you will also find that the price for this method is very reasonable.

Indeed, a regular ultrasound scan during medical check up can help in saving lives. This is an affordable means to monitor one's health as an early detection of any illness can make a huge difference in its treatment. This modern medical diagnostic test can also aid in monitoring a baby's condition inside the womb to ensure proper growth and development.

1 comment:

  1. I have recently booked up my first pregnancy scan. I did not realise that you had to wait 2 weeks for a scan.
