
Friday, August 26, 2011

6 Surprising Facts About Steve Jobs & Apple

the safe to say most investors are well acquainted with the charisma, drive, and brilliance of Steve Jobs. He's the most well-known CEO in the world, and arguably the best too. His announced resignation as Apple CEO is not unexpected, but is still being met with some degree of shock. Here's a short list of facts (not opinions) about Jobs and Apple that are truly surprising.
1) Not A Single Downgrade Today
Jobs' resignation is arguably the worst news out of Apple (AAPL) in years and the Wall Street crowd didn't even blink. 49 out of 51 analysts currently rate Apple a "BUY" with an average price target of $497 a share (according to Factset Data), which is roughly 32% above yesterday's closing price. The Jobs shocker was met not with a flurry of downgrades and panic selling, but rather with a chorus of reiterations and calls to buy on any weakness.
2) Jobs' Stake in Disney Is Twice As Big As His Slice of Apple
As a result of his Pixar sale, Steve Jobs owns 7.4% of Disney (DIS), or 138 million shares, worth roughly $4.5 billion. At the same time, his latest disclosed stake in Apple of 5.5 million shares, represents roughly 0.5% of the total float and is worth about $2.1 billion. His stake in Apple doesn't even make him a top 20 shareholder. In Disney, Jobs' is the top shareholder. His stake is way above Fidelity, Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard which own chunks ranging from 3 to 4.5%.

3) Apple Gets Sued Almost Every Day

When you have grown to $350 billion in market value with a massive global reach, it is safe to say that you are a large target with deep pockets. In just August alone, 13 lawsuits have been disclosed pertaining to privacy violations in South Korea, class action in the US, numerous patent challenges, as well as a claim of price fixing.

4) Apple Has Not Missed A Quarterly Estimate in Nearly 9 Years
According to Factset, Apple has "beat the street" for 35 consecutive quarters - the longest streak of any company in the S&P 500 except for Cognizant Technology (CTSH). And speaking of earnings, the $7.3 billion net income Apple reported in July made it the largest contributor to earnings growth in the S&P 500 for the 2nd quarter. With Apple, S&P 500 earnings were up 11.8% in Q2. Without it, S&P 499 earnings would have risen only 10.0%.
5) Apple Has Not Traded Under $100 a Share Since March 18, 2009
What's even more astounding is that on a split adjusted basis, (there have been 3) Apple's IPO price is $2.75 a share. For the record, the actual IPO was done on December 12, 1980 at $22.00 a share. If you bought 1,000 shares of the Apple IPO, your $22,000 investment would be worth $2.9 million today.
6) Steve Jobs Personally Holds Over 300 Patents
According to the New York Times, it's actually 313 patents. But what is more telling is the amount that some of his billionaire tech peers have: 9 for Bill Gates and about a dozen for Sergei Brin and Larry Page. Most of Jobs' patents are tech-related, but the Apple founder even holds a patent for a glass staircase.

Lung Cancer Can Be Detected By Sniffer Dogs

According to new research published in the European Respiratory Journal, sniffer dogs could be used for the early detection of lung cancer, Researchers from the Schillerhoehe Hospital in Germany were the first to discover that sniffer dogs can reliably detect lung cancer.

Lung cancer, the second most frequent form of cancer in men and women across Europe and the most common cause of death from cancer worldwide, claims over 340,000 deaths per year.

Lung cancer does not reveal any symptoms and early detection is therefore often by chance. Because current methods of detection are unreliable, scientists have been examining the use of exhaled breath specimens from patients for future screening tests. The method identifies volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are associated to the presence of cancer.

Even though various different technological programs have been developed, this method is still difficult to apply in clinical settings, as it requires patients not to eat and smoke prior to testing. Additionally, the sample analysis can be slow with a high risk of interference.

For these reasons, no lung cancer-specific VOCs has been developed to-date.

This new study was designed to examine whether sniffer dogs could be used to identify a VOC in the breath of patients. Using dogs with specific training, researchers conducted a study comprising of 220 participants, including lung cancer patients, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients and healthy volunteers.

The researchers conducted a series of tests to evaluate whether the dogs were capable to reliably identify lung cancer compared with healthy volunteers, volunteers with COPD and whether the results were still detected with the presence of tobacco.

The result revealed, that the dogs managed to correctly identify 71 samples with lung cancer out of a possible 100 and also successfully detected 372 samples that did not have lung cancer out of a possible 400.

The dogs were able to detect lung cancer independently from COPD and tobacco smoke and therefore substantiate the method as a valid indicator for lung cancer that is independent of COPD and also detectable in the presence of tobacco smoke, food odors and drugs.

In a concluding statement, Thorsten Walles, author of the study, from the Schillerhoehe Hospital said:

"In the breath of patients with lung cancer, there are likely to be different chemicals to normal breath samples and the dogs' keen sense of smell can detect this difference at an early stage of the disease. Our results confirm the presence of a stable marker for lung cancer. This is a big step forward in the diagnosis of lung cancer, but we still need to precisely identify the compounds observed in the exhaled breath of patients. It is unfortunate that dogs cannot communicate the biochemistry of the scent of cancer!"

Written by Petra Rattue
Copyright: Medical News Today

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Top 5 Most Expensive Houses In The World

Here’s the list of top 5 most expensive houses around the world, You should be super duper rich to own one of them icon smile Top 5 Most Expensive Houses in the World . Maybe for now, just enjoy how beautiful is them:

5. Three Ponds : $75,000,000
In Bridgehampton, New York, there sits a $75,000,000 estate that has its own golfcourse! Called “Three Ponds” due to the fact that it has three ponds (each stocks with an ample supply of fish, which are hopefully included in the home insurance), and the expansive grounds also house 14 different gardens, each with their own theme!

4. Donald Trump Palace : $125,000,000
Donald Trump owns this 18-bedroom waterfront palace, which is listed as costing $125,000,000. Situated in Florida, Trump says it’s location in Palm Beach is “the richest community in the world” and it doesn’t seem like he’s joking! We also doubt that he’s one to settle for cheap building insurance, eithe

3. Updown Court in Surrey, UK : $140,000,000
With neighbors like Elton John and the Queen of England, Updown Court in Surrey, UK is going to be a rather decadent household. Launched with a price of £70,000,000 (roughly $140,000,000) and still unsold as of May this year. Containing 24 bedrooms, each with a marble en-suite bathroom, and an underground garage, the property is estimated to cost around £250,000 ($500,000) a month to run, not to mention the cost of the house insurance! Since this property located in the UK, the homeowner need to know about Conveyancing information under the UK law. In the UK, London is considered one of themost expensive places to own a house besides Surrey (and of course Chelsea). There recommended property portals designed to help you search for the top most expensive houses in London, UK and enable you to determine whether or not the flats for sale in London are an accommodating alternative to the traditional house buy. There’s a rumor that this house is up for sale. The new homeowner needed to mak
e sure that He can afford this house, rather than have to Stop Repossession because of high debt.

2. Ira Rennert Mansion : $180,000,000.
The billionaire found of the Renco Group, Ira Rennert, owns a place in Sagaponack, New York, and at 63 acres of grounds, is considered by many to be the largest residential compound in the whole of America. The house itself has 29 bedrooms, 39 bathrooms, as well as the usual gigantic dining room, sport courts and bowling alley and contents insurance to cover it all. The property is valued at roughly $170,000,000-180,000,000. Looks like this one is the most expensive house in all United States

1. The Villa La Leopolda in Nice, France: $ 398,350,000
Formerly the home of Bill Gates, but now belonging to really rather rich Roman Abramovich, the Villa La Leopolda in Nice, France would set you back roughly £250,000,000 ($ 398,350,000 ). Its 10 acres of lush, garden-filled grounds require an astounding 50 gardeners to look after it along with the best home insurance that money can buy

Finger nails to predict health

See Also                 

                                         Common Skin Diseases

                        Commom Eye  Diseases

The primary purpose of the nail is protection. Abnormalities of the nail are often caused by skin disease and infection (most often fungal) but may also indicate more general medical conditions. This discussion does not address localized trauma or nail infections but offers examples of nail abnormalities that may occur with systemic disease.

 Check to see whether the nails are normal by looking at the following (Figure 1):

 Softness and flexibility of free edge;
 Shape and color;
 Growth rate (about 6 months from cuticle to free edge). Time of events can be estimated from    location.

Clubbed Fingernails

 clubbing involves a softening of the nail bed with the loss of normal angle between the nail bed and the fold, an increase in the nail fold convexity, and a thickening of the end of the finger so it resembles a drumstick.

To determine whether nails are clubbed, have the patient place both forefinger nails together and look between them. If you can see a small diamond space between them (Schamroth's window) then the nails are not clubbed (Schamroth's sign) (Figure 2). 

Figure 2. Schamroth's sign.
Causes of clubbing ( (Figure 3):
Pulmonary and cardiovascular causes (80%)
Lung cancer, pulmonic abscess, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis, beryllium poisoning, pulmonary arteriovenous fistula, subacute bacterial endocarditis, infected arterial grafts, aortic aneurysm
Gastrointestinal causes (about 5%)
Inflammatory bowel disease, sprue, neoplasms (esophagus, liver, bowel)
Hyperthyroidism (about 1%)
Note: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease does not cause clubbing. 

Figure 2. Schamroth's sign.
Koilonychia Koilonychia are spoon-shaped concave nails
Causes include the following:

Iron deficiency;
Diabetes mellituS

In 1846, Joseph HonorĂ© Simon Beau described transverse lines in the substance of the nail as signs of previous acute illness.. The lines look as if a little furrow had been plowed across the nail. Illnesses producing Beau's lines include  Severe infection;
Myocardial infarction;
Hypotension, shock;
Hypocalcemia; and

Figure 5A. The location of Beau's lines half way up the nail suggests illness 3 months ago.

Figure 5B. Two Beau's lines suggest illnesses about 2 months apart.

Thin Brittle Nails
Thin, brittle nails can indicate the following (Figure 6):

Metabolic bone disease (nail thinness is correlated with osteopenia);
Thyroid disorder;
Systemic amyloidosis (indicated by yellow waxy flaking); and
Severe malnutrition.

Figure 6. Note the thin nails in this woman with severe osteopenia.

Nail Pitting
Nail pitting -- small punctate depressions -- are caused by nail matrix inflammation, which can be the result of:

Psoriasis (random appearance of pits) (Figure 9);
Alopecia areata (geometric rippled grid) (Figure 10);
Eczema; and
Lichen planus.

Splinter Hemorrhages
Splinter hemorrhages are caused by hemorrhage of the distal capillary loop (Figure 22). Note the thickness of these areas. They are associated with the following:

Subacute bacterial endocarditis;
Systemic lupus erythematosus;
Pityriasis rubra pilaris;
Psoriasis; and
Renal failure.

Figure 22. Splinter hemorrhages tend to be fat.

Terry's Half and Half Nails
With Terry's half and half nails, the proximal portion is white (edema and anemia) and the distal portion is dark. These nails imply either renal or liver disease (Figures 23A, 23B). 

Figure 23A. This example of Terry's half and half nails suggests liver disease (no brown lines).

Figure 23B. Half and half nails imply renal disease when there is a brown band at the junction of the erythema and the free edge. Image courtesy of Used with permission.

White nails can be caused by anemia, edema, or vascular conditions (Figure 24). Consider the following:
Renal failure;
Diabetes mellitus;
Chemotherapy; and
Hereditary (rare).

Processes Around the Nail
Paronychial Inflammation Paronychia is associated with separation of the seal between the proximal nail fold and the nail plate that provides entry for bacteria and leads to a localized infection of the paronychial tissues of the hands (Figure 29). Symptoms may include inflammation, swelling, and/or scaling. 

Figure 29. Example chronic paronychial inflammation.

Periungal Telangeictasia Periungal telangeictasia is caused by dilated capillary loops and results in atrophy of the cuticle (Figure 30). It is strongly associated with collagen vascular disease, including the following:

Systemic lupus erythematosus;
Dermatomyositis (especially with Gotton's papules over knuckles); and

Figure 30. Example of periungal telangeictasia. Image courtesy of
The following are examples of patients in whom examining the fingernails may help identify their conditions. 

slide 3. 68-year-old man with esophageal canc

KEY WORDS:  clubbing,Schamroth's sign,Beaus line,Thin Brittle Nails,Nail Pitting Psoriasis,,Splinter Hemorrhages ,Subacute bacterial endocarditis;
Systemic lupus erythematosus,Terry's Half and Half Nails ,liver disease,White nails,Anemia;
Renal failure;
Diabetes mellitus;Processes Around the Nail
Paronychial Inflammation ,Scleroderma nails

Memory loss associated with microbes

A newly discovered microscopic organism found in river bed can cause serious memory loss and confusion, scientists have warned. The single-celled microbe was first identified in Maryland, USA.//It can cause dementia-like symptoms with sufferers experiencing memory loss and difficulties with concentration, attention span and learning abilities.

People suffer a stinging or burning sensation to the skin on contact with water containing the organism. Headaches and stomach problems follow. The severity of the symptoms appears to be proportional to the amount of exposure to the toxin excreted by the microbe. The first evidence that the microscopic creature, a dinoflagellate, could kill came from US fishermen who noted that fish in the Pocomoke River and nearby estuaries were swimming erratically and had strange lesion marks on their skin.

Investigators discovered dinoflagellates living in the water, and tests showed that the creatures caused a frightening array of symptoms. victims suffered "acute confusion, episodes of disorientation, new or increasing forgetfulness, or difficulties concentrating".Problems included motorists setting out in their cars and then being unable to remember where they were going, and people forgetting they had mailed packages.

About 1,100 species of dinoflagellates are known to science, a few of which produce some of the most toxic substances known. Some species are responsible for shellfish poisoning, caused by people eating shellfish that have ingested the organism. The species identified in Maryland are Pfiesteria piscicida. It is found in brackish water and is almost indestructible. When pfiesteria cysts are put into sulphuric acid they survive for 30 minutes. A human body thrown into sulphuric acid would quickly dissolve.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The iPhone 5 Spoofed in a Video

It ‘was the subject of many fake photos and mockups, but now the long-awaited iPhone 5 has become a star of a very unique video. The new iPhone is shown in a clip which is present in Apple’s alleged hidden pages. In reality it is really a well done fake and this page does not exist. That is also the beginning of the video concept?

Published a few hours, this video has already been around the world. The author shows a overview of the next Apple device with a lot of surfing on the official website but this is clearly a fake. Let’s leave the judgments to you.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

6 pack body

6 pack body

Pregnancy Test Made easy by USB Digital Pregnancy Test

When you heard the word “pregnancy test kit”, it is simple strips that can be bought in drugstores and let you know your pregnancy status by testing your urine. Yet technology helps us to live life simple and convenient, and proved that anything can be turned into circuits, chips, and other computer related items. And now you can easily find out, if you are pregnant without even need to visit a doctor. You can use the Pteq, the USB Digital Pregnancy Test which was commercialized by

This USB Digital Pregnancy Test is like a typical test pact. The process starts off like regular pregnancy test. Below are the following steps using the USB Digital Pregnancy Test:

  1. Pee on the stick, specifically the absorbent test strip at one end.
  2. Remove the cap from the other stick end, to reveal the USB connector.
  3. Pop the device in your computer.
  4. When you’re done with the test result, pop it out to your computer and change the strip. You will be able to review the results for more 5 minutes and then automatically off.

When you stick the device on the USB port, the power from your USB port will trigger a process called the electrospray ionization on the device, which creates a spectrograph of the various masses for your analysis. You don't need to see the actual spectrograph yourself because mass analysis happens inside the device. This USB Digital Pregnancy Test only analyzes for specific chemical makeups. The mass spectrometry software on the device comes with several sequenced hormones, including hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin), hCG-H (hyperglycosylated hCG - for detection before your first missed period), and LH (luteinizing hormone - for detection of your most fertile days).
The difference between this gadget and a usual test pack was it gives you a detailed spectrograph and analysis of your hormone levels. Another was if you are pregnant, it will display a cute baby face in digital format. In addition, using it as a tester for pregnancy you can also make use of the plotted data to predict your cycle, which can be used to tell the best time to get baby. This gadget is reusable which has 20 test strips and cost no more than $18. It is 99% accurate in detecting hCG, hCG-H and LH. However, these hormones do not necessarily indicate pregnancy or ovulation, respectively

Advantages and Disadvantages of Basking in the Sun

So many people love to bask in the sun and nowadays it would appear that more often than not you hear of people steering clear of the sun due to its harmful UV rays and the effects that they can have on your skin. However, in spite of everything you have heard, sunlight is far from bad. As a matter of fact it is actually something that is significant for human survival.

Men and women who don't spend enough time in the fresh air and outdoors are missing out on the many vitamins they need to survive and people who spend more time away from the sunlight tend to be more depressed too. It just stands to reason that the more time someone spends in the sunshine and fresh air the greater they feel.

In a sense individuals are a lot like flowers and plants and when it comes to such things as sunlight we do have a need for it. Sure we might not contain chlorophyll similar to plants do and it might not be documented that human beings need sunlight but this energy and light force is one that is essential to human existence, not only to the existence of the earth but the actual individuals themselves.

Some in the field of psychology have in fact noticed that sunlight helps to aid those patients who are suffering with depression and that an increase in sunlight provides something else besides just additional vitamins. Sunlight is actually life-sustaining for human beings and while many can not put their finger on why it's so effective it without a doubt has a huge impact on individuals and their moods. It has even been seen in places where there quite a bit of rain or several additional hours of darkness that people in these locations have a greater chance for becoming depressed. This is even regarded as a factor in seasonal depression too.

If you want to feel well and alive then the smartest thing you can do is to spend a good amount of time outdoors. This will help make you feel better and can lift your spirits. It is important to acknowledge that while there is little by the way of quantitative research on this topic that there, definitely, is something to the fact that being out in the bright sunshine on a warm, sunny day certainly has something to offer by way of making people feel better and happier.

Ultrasound scan is one of the safest and most economical means of monitoring your health

This article will provide you with all the information that you need about this non-invasive procedure so that you can make use of this method in caring for your well being.

In order to complete this method, an instrument called a sonography machine is needed. This medical equipment transmits high frequency waves through the stomach so as to see the organs inside the body. Videos and images can then be recorded so that a more detailed diagnosis can be made to identify the problem that a particular patient has.

If an ultrasound test is being requested by a pregnant woman, then there are 3 options to choose from. The procedure can be 4D, 3D or 2D although the 2D scans are no longer being employed much these days because of its limiting features. The 4D scan is the most advanced type of ultrasound today as it can even record the baby's movements and body features clearly. The 3D scan on the other hand is best used to look into the internal organs of the baby to make sure that the child is growing normally. Through these methods, abnormalities such as having a cleft lip as well as monitoring a baby's internal organs can be properly analyzed.

Keep in mind, however, that an ultrasound is not only useful for pregnancy. This same method is also being employed to diagnose other problems along the abdominal area as it can also check on the condition of the bladder, liver, uterus and ovary. So those patients who are suffering from pelvic pain, heavy menstruation or internal bleeding can also benefit from this method. Pelvic masses as well as ovarian cysts can be easily detected through this procedure and further medication can therefore be applied to remedy the situation.

There are many advantages to using this system of looking into the internal organs of the body. As this only involves scanning, the procedure is painless, fast and non-invasive. Furthermore, an ultrasound machine doesn't emit radiation like an X-ray machine thus making the instrument extremely safe not only for the mommy but the baby as well. And if you compare it with other medical procedures today, you will also find that the price for this method is very reasonable.

Indeed, a regular ultrasound scan during medical check up can help in saving lives. This is an affordable means to monitor one's health as an early detection of any illness can make a huge difference in its treatment. This modern medical diagnostic test can also aid in monitoring a baby's condition inside the womb to ensure proper growth and development.

In China the iPhone 5 has Already been Forged

iPhone 5 has not been launched yet but it has already been forged in the Chinese market. Have been issued recently pictures of a clear copy of the next generation iPhone, built according to the rumors of recent times.

GizChina has released pictures of iPhone counterfeit traced on a Chinese website. The characteristics of the device, as often happens with this kind of products, provide a Java-based operating system with the ability to play MP3 and MP4, as well as include support to WiFi. The only difference detected by comparing this Terminal with Chinese popular earlier case relates to the position of silent mode switch, located on the left instead of right.

The device is even thinner than the iPhone 4, only 7 mm, the height thus corresponds to the houses of which we spoke a few lines ago. The cost of the terminal is about $ 108