
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Almonds and Health

Almonds – Great for Health

Almonds are simply digestible food. They are a good basis of protein, essential fatty acids, fiber, and minerals, such as magnesium, zinc, potassium, and copper.

Origin of Almonds

They are also amongst the best whole food sources of vitamin E in the form of D-alpha. Almonds are in fact the fruits of deciduous (meaning that the leaves fall off each year) trees originally found in Asia and North Africa.
Almonds are enormously rich in proteins so they are superlative for hair and skin. They are plentiful in phosphorus, which is good for bones and teeth. They are higher in calcium than all other nuts. They are also higher in fiber than any supplementary nut.
They are one of the healthy snacks and are the nearly all widely-used nut for confectionery items like cakes, toppings, candy bars, etc. Almonds are a great foundation of monounsaturated fat, which lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol and raises “good” HDL cholesterol.

Benefits of Almonds

Almonds are even lesser in saturated fat than olive oil, and one study in California originate them more effective in reducing cholesterol. If you believe almonds are just for satisfying your mid-afternoon munchies, you’re in for a disclosure. If you’re pregnant, or thinking regarding it, almonds are a great source of the folic acid you require.
I think you will become familiar with the Almonds Health Benefits.

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