
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Forensic ospe 2011

  • Exit wound characteristics
  • Cadaveric spasm M/L
  • Capsicum M/L Uses
  • Chicken;s RBCs Characteristic
  • X ray of fracture.....,jurh
  • human hair slide
  • Muskit,firearm
  • characteristic of incised wound
  • Male orbit characteristic
  • Methods of abortion,abortion sticks
  • Emmenoagues.......
  • finger prints

Forensic Ospe:
  • Absorbtion spectrum,diff b/w oxy hb nd carboxy hb,caboxyhb test,animal hair specimen,
  • incised wound chracteristic,firearm,crotton oil fatal doz,period,active priciple
  • charas active priciple,Runamoke,Finger prints
  • Cadavaric spasm its M/L imp,wound of exit chracteristc
  • arsenic ka anyidote,fatal period,capsicum k 2 active principle nd uses,chicken RBCs
  • condition in whch human rbc r nucleated,skull,x.ray
  • slide prep of human hair......

    • mercury .. fatal perod AND MEDICOLEGAL SIGNIFICENCE
  •  firearm or musket.
  •  jurh jaifa  complicatns,
  • difference bw hanging and and strangulation, 
  • sex determnaton of saccrum,& medicolegal imp
  • tests for organic poisons, 
  • puterfactive changes in tatoo marks, 
  • obsrvd mein finger printing or
  •  specimen sending to chemical examiner

Emmenagogues are herbs which stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus; some stimulate menstruation.

A musket is a muzzle-loaded, smooth bore long gun, fired from the shoulder.

The appearance of nucleated red blood cells (NRBC) in the circulation is associated with a variety of severe diseases, a malfunction of the bone marrow leads to this phenomenon is as unknown as the possible role that cytokines could play in this process. In critically ill patients.

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