
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

FCPS Part- I (Medicine and Allied, Nov 2013)

FCPS Part- I (Medicine and Allied, Nov 2013, Section: 1 )

This post contains questions of FCPS Part- I Exam in Medicine (Nov 2013). The most probable answers are written in the option "A". Mistakes are expected; not final answers at all. You can send us your feedback and leave comments about the questions and answers below in the "comment section". Questions in RED need to be cleared. This post contains 100 MCQs. Click NEXT for more MCQs. Bear in mind, this post is just to offer you a high-light of the Medicine paper held in November 2013 by CPSP. Your feedback will be highly appreciated.
Courtesy of:
Dr. Muzammil Irshad
Dr. Imran Awan
Dr. Manan

FCPS Part-1 (Medicine, Nov  2013- Section: 1)

1.     The hormone which causes lipogenesis, glycogenesis and glycolysis?

A.     Insulin

B.     GH

C.     Thyroid hormone

D.    Cortisol

E.     Glucagon

2.     Post renal transplant patient presented with pneumonia not responding to antibiotics. On broncho-alveolar lavage boat shaped cysts were observed. What is the organism?

A.     Aspergilosis fumigates

B.     Candida

C.     Pneumocystis cainii

D.     Rhunosporidium

E.     Toxoplasma gondi

3.     Antimetabolite that can be used for the treatment of some oncology:

A.     Methotraxate

B.     Azathioprim

C.     5 FlU

D.     Cytarabine

4.     Patient with G6PD deficiency. What is most expected in the RBCs?

A.     Heinz bodies

B.     Microcytes

C.     Psammoma bodies

5.     Most fatal type of pulmonary embolism that causes extensive pulmonary necrosis, shock and then death:

A.     Fat embolism

B.     Thromboemolism

C.     Air embolism

D.     Amniotic embolism

6.     Heparin acts on:

A.     Antithrombin III

B.     Thrombin

C.     Xa

D.     XII

7.     Free nerve endings

A.     Are non encapsulated receptor

B.     Are a type of special visceral enteroreceptor

C.     Are found in voluntary muscles

D.     Are not present in the epidermis of the skin

E.     Detect only pain

8.     Alcohol causes deficiency of:

A.     Vitamin B

B.     Vitamin A

C.     Vitamin C

D.    Vitamin D

E.     Vitamin E

9.     Which one will return late after acute blood loss?

A.     RBCs

B.     Volume

C.     Blood pressure

10.  Aplastic anemia is best described as:

A.     Hypocellular bonemarrow on Terphine biopsy

B.     Pancytopenia

C.     Thrombocytopenia

D.     Leukocytopenia

11.  Isthmus of thyroid lies at:

A.     C2, C3, C4

B.     Above cricoids

C.     At thyroid cartilage

D.     C4, C5

12.  Aspirin should be stopped before surgery. How many days the effect of aspirin remains?

A.     7-9 days

B.     3-4 days

C.     10-12 days

D.     14-16 days

13.  What is true about trigeminal ganglion?

A.     Completely covered with dura

B.     Anterior part lies in the trigeminal canal

C.     It lies beside cavernous sinus

D.     Completely bathed in CSF

14.  Action of methyl dopa?

A. Central action

B. Stumulation of beta-adrenergic

C. Stimulation of adrenergic ending at post-ganglionic fiber

15.  Basic drugs bind with ____________ in blood:

A.     Alpha 1 acid glycoprotein

B.     Albumin

C.     Iron

D.     Blood cells

16.  Regarding arterial supply of the heart all statements are true except that

A.     Left coronary artery is the first branch of the arch of aorta

B.     Left coronary artery is larger than the right coronary artery

C.     Right coronary artery arises from anterior aortic sinus

D.     Right coronary artery supplies both ventricles

E.     The interventricular septum is supplied by the left coronary artery

17.  What is the pulmonary blood flow per minute?

A.     5

B.     4

C.     2

D.     6

18.  What is the incidence of lichen planus for malignancy?

A.     1-10 %

B.     10-20%

C.     20-25%

D.     25 - 26%

19.  If there is a tumor in the right superior lobar bronchus the bronchopulmonary segment most likely to be collapsed would be:

A.     apical superior

B.     anterior basal

C.     medial basal

D.     middle lateral

E.     superior basal

20.  Corpus striatum is:

A.     Amygaloid nucleus .+globus pallidus

B.     amygaloid nucleus+,lentiform

C.     amygaloid nucleus + putamen

D.     caudate nucleus + globus pallidus

E.     caudate nucleus +,putamen

21.  Pus that accumulates in boils or abscess is mainly composed of:

A.     Neutrophils

B.     Dead bacteria 

C.     Monocytes

D.     Mucus

22.  About large intestine:

A.     Caecum has approximately 7 cm in lenghth

B.     Appendix is rarely retrocaecal

C.     Ascending colon has mesentry in 15 cases

D.     Right colic arety supply tranverse colon

23.  Patient diagnosed with the case of obstructive jaundice presented with the bleeding what is the cause:

A.     Vitamin k deffiency

B.     Decrease platelet count

24.  Blindness due to the lesion that damaged optic chiasma and the part of hypothalmus above this region. What is the cause?

A.     Precocious puberty

B.     Hyperphagia

C.     Hypothermia

25.  Thiazides reduces excretion of

A.     Lithium

B.     TCA

C.     Secondary antideoressants

D.     TCA

26.  Regarding trachea

A.     It commences at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage

B.     Caps in the c shaped cartilage rings lie anterior

C.     It is attached to the upper margin of cricoid cartilage

D.     Recurrent laryngeal nerve lie anteriorly

E.     Total length of trachea is 15 cm

27.  Which of the following act as oxygen binding proteins in skeletal muscles

A.     Myoglobin

B.     Actin

C.     Myosin

D.     Tropomyosin

E.     Troponin

28.  An osmotic diuresis may result from:

A.     Mannitol

B.     Aldosterone

C.     Frusamide

D.     Hyperinsulinism

E.     Ingestion of alcohol

29.  Tonsillectomy will produce which kind of shock?

A.     Hypovolemic shock

B.     Cardiogenic

C.     Septic

30.  The malignant neoplasia which rarely metastasize is

A.     Basal cell carcinoma

B.     Breast carcinoma

C.     Bronchial carcinoma

D.     Neuroblastoma

E.     Renal cell carcinoma

31.  Intracelluar buffer:

A.     Protein

B.     HCO3

C.     Hb

D.     Phosphate

32.  Which one is reabsorbed passively from the renal tubules?

A.     NH3

B.     Amino acids

C.     Chloride

D.     Glucose

33.  Maximum ventricle is filled during?

A.     Atrial systole

B.     Ventricle systole

C.     Isometric ventricular contraction

34.  Total number of ATP molecules from one molecule of glucose?

A.     38

B.     40

C.     36

D.     44

E.     48

35.  During collection of blood sample from medial cubital vein nerve at risk of injury is?

A.     Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm

B.     Radial nerve

C.     Median nerve

D.     Medial cutaneous nerve of arm

36.  What is the type of inheritance of adult polycystic kidney disease?

A.     Autosomal dominant

B.     Autosomal recessive

C.     X-linked recessive

D.     X-linked dominant

37.  What is the karyotype of true hermaphrodite?

A.     XY

B.     XXY

C.     YY

D.     XYY

38.  Autosomal fibers are:

A.     Type A Alpha

B.     Type A Beta

C.     Type A Gamma

D.     Type C

E.     Type D

39.  Patient with ptosis, midriosis, diplopia and crossed hemiplegia. Nerve damaged?

A.     Occulomotor

B.     Abducent

C.     Trochlear

D.     Horner’s syndrome

40.  Anterior corticospinal tracts completely disappears at which level?

A.     Lower thoracic level

B.     Mid thoracic level

C.     Cervical level

D.     Lumber level

41.  All regarding NITROGLYCERINE are true except:

A.     Decreases heart rate

B.     Decreases after-load

C.     Reduces cardiac output

42.  Regarding information care session what is appropriate?

A.     Consent is taken and the patient is informed about what is going to done upon him

B.     Relatives of patients are inquired about patient's conditions

C.     Myths regarding disease of patient is cleared to him

43.  Kidney does its BUFFER action least likely is:

A.     H+ with Phosphate c) H+ with proteins

B.     H+ with ammonia

C.     Secretion of H+

D.     Bicarbonate is reabsorbed from the glomerular filtrate

44.  Shooting pain around chin, not relieved by tagrol. There are also lesions/rashes on the chin. What is the cause?

A.     Ttrigeminal neuralgia

B.     Facial pain

C.     HSV infection

45.  Parathyroid hormone remain normal in which disorder

A.     Osteoporosis

B.     Pseudoparathyroidism

46.  A woman is biking on a mountain area where humidity is about zero and partial pressure is 700.

47.  Most commonly hypertrophy occurs in:

A.     Skeletal muscle

B.     Ovaries

C.     Breast

D.     Testis

E.     Thyroid

48.  12 years old child having severe attacks of abdominal pain and anemia options were

A.     Hbss

B.     Hbcs

C.     Hbc

49.  Endocervix with multiple patches of squamous cells?

A.     Metaplasia

B.     Hyperplasia

C.     Herpes simplex

50.  Most common premalignant lsion of oral cavity?

A.     Leukoplakia

B.     Erythroplakia

C.     Lichen planus

51.  SA node potential

A.     Ca+2 influx

B.     Na+1 influx

52.  S3 in:

A.     Rapid filling of ventricles

53.  Heparin inactivates:

A.     Xa + thrombin

54.  Congenital cataract:

A.     Rubella

55.  Affected memory after road side trauma. Lesion?

A.     Hippocampus

56.  Hyperbaric O2

A.     Decompression Sickness

57.  Brain tissue maturation

A.     Thyroid

58.  Left lung root is arched by

A.     Arch of aorta

59.  Primary cartilaginous joint:

A.     Costochondral joint

60.  Which is likely to be malignant

A.     Barret esophagus

61.  Bronchogenic CA

A.     Asbestosis

B.     Smoking

C.     Lead

62.  Obstructive lung diseases:

A.     FEV1/FVC ratio is decreased

63.  Sensitive test for Amebic liver abscess

A.     Ameba in stool

B.     CT scan

C.     Antigen in stool

64.  Posterior I/3rd of interventricular septum is supplied by:

A.     RCA

65.  Right coronary arise from:

A.     Anterior aortic sinus

66.  Which vein continues as coronary sinus:

A.     Great cardiac vein

67.  Subacute endocarditis after tooth extraction:

A.     Strep viridians

68.  Which one of the following is not synthesize in liver

A.     Gamma globulins

69.  Lymphocytes are:

A.     Natural defence against cancer

70.  Which is the sign of apoptosis

A.     Karyolysis

71.  Best method to avoid cancer is:

A.     Apoptosis

72.  Chromosomes are held at equatorial plate in:

A.     Metaphase

73.  Inhibition id gastric emptying by:

A.     CCK

B.     Secretin

C.     GIP

74.  Glucagon is stimulated by:

A.     Exercise

B.     Fatty acids

C.     Secretin

75.  Na clearance is decreased by:

A.     Increased reabsortion

B.     Decrease aldosterone

C.     Osmotic dieresis

D.     Water osmosis

76.  Deep sleep:

A.     Increase serotonin

B.     NE

77.  Non-REM sleep is associated with:

A.     Variation in pulse and BP

B.     Night mares

78.  Hashimoto thyroditis

A.     Anti-thyroglobin + Antimicrosomal

79.  2nd heart block

A.     Distorted ECG complexes

B.     Atrial firing is more than ventricle

80.  Breast implants associated with inflammation

A.     Lymphocytes

B.     Giant cella

C.     Plasma cells

D.     Nutriphils

E.     Eosinophils

81.  Thyrocervical trunk:

A.     Originate from 2nd part of subclavian artery

B.     Deep cervical artery

C.     Suprascapular artery

82.  Rapidly adopting receptors

A.     Pacinian

B.     Merkels

C.     Free nerve endings

83.  Aphaisa of few words:

A.     Parietal lobe

B.     Brocas area

C.     Wernikes area

84.  Death occurs due to medulla damage:

A.     Odontoid process

B.     Atlas

C.     C3

D.     C4

85.  Vomiting centre in:

A.     Medulla

B.     Cortex

C.     Brain stem

D.     Spinal cord

E.     Internal capsule

86.  Rise from supine position; compensatory response:

A.     Increase HR

B.     Increase BP

C.     Cardiac output decrease

87.  2/3 increase in chest volume:

A.     Diaphragm

B.     Intercostal muscles

C.     Rib cage

D.     Abdominal muscles

88.  A 25 years old lady with malar rash, proteinuria:

A.     Lupus nephritis

B.     Renal vascular disease

C.     Tubular necrosis

89.  13 years old child has fever and hematuria and hypertension:

A.     Post-steptococcal nephritis

B.     Tubular necrosis

C.     Ischemia injury

90.  A patient has increase level of parathyroid and hypertension for 14 years:

A.     Acute renal failure

B.     Parathyroid adenoma

C.     Parathyroid hyperplasia

D.     Chronic renal failure

91.  Pharmacological drug-drug interaction:

A.     Morphine and naloxone

B.     Procaine and NE

C.     Phenobarbitol and warfarin

92.  Fastest fibers

A.     A alpha

B.     A beta

C.     A gamma

D.     C fiber

E.     B fiber

93.  Which of the following is NOT associated with the hormonal secretion:

A.     Sarcoma?

B.     Choriocarcinoma?

C.     Virricous CA?

D.     Seminoma?


94.  Venous thrombosis is caused by:

A.     Prolonged immobility

B.     Endothelial injury

C.     Hypercoagulable state

D.     Post surgery

95.  Functional residual capacity:

A.     Is equal to the volume in lung after expiration of TV

B.     Measured by spirometry

C.     TV + RV

D.     RV + IV

96.  Functional residual capacity is:

A.     RV + ERV

B.     TV + IRV

C.     RV + IRV

D.    Total lung capacity

97.  Aldosterone is stimulated by:

A.     Increased K+

B.     Release of rennin

C.     Increase plasma volume

98.  In Summer, a fasting man has concentrated urine due to:

A.     Increase sweating

B.     Water depletion

C.     Release of ADH

99.  A healthy man with severe dehydration can be differentiated from SIADH:

A.     Level of ADH

B.     Urine osmolarity

C.     Plasma osmolarity

D.     Osmomedullary gradient

100.                   A patient with botulinum toxin has sign and symptom:

A.     Flaccid paralysis of respiratory muscles

B.     Convulsions

C.     Diarrhea

101.                   A smoker and psychic patient is having treatment presented with pain abdomen and visible peristalsis and audible sounds on examination:

A.     Psychogenic

B.     Stomach CA

C.     Pyloric stenosis

D.     Intestinal obstruction

102.                   Which of the following suffers from fat necrosis in peritoneal cavity?

A.     Acute pancreatitis

B.     Gut gangrene

C.     Brain

103.                   Which one only uses glucose?

A.     Brain

B.     Heart

C.     Liver

D.     Skeletal muscles

104.                   Soft palate has:

A.     Stratified squamous non-cornified

B.     Simple columnar

C.     Stratified squamous cornified

105.                   Facial nerve supplies:

A.     Stapedius muscles

B.     Muscle of facial expression except orbicularis occuli

C.     Sensation from the face

106.                   Thalmic lesion is associated with sensory modulation:

A.     Hyperesthesia

B.     Numbness

C.     Hyperreflexia

107.                   Nutmeg liver devolps due to:

A.     Passive congestion of liver

B.     Active viral hepatitis

C.     Portal hypertension

108.                   Which of the following is NOT true about portal vein:

A.     Formed by superior and inferior mesenteric vein

B.     Present on free end of lesser omentum

C.     Has tributaries from right gastric

D.     Has tributaries from superior epiploic vein

109.                   In aortic dissection:

A.     Cystic medial necrosis

B.     Hypertension

C.     Athero sclerosis

D.     Old age

110.                   Which of the following is blood born:

A.     Hep B

B.     Herpes simplex

C.     TB

111.                   Dormal rami of spinal nerve supplies:

A.     Extensor of trunk

B.     Limbs

C.     Flexor of neck

D.     Skin of abdomen

112.                   Spinal nerve:

A.     Exit through inter-vertebral foramina

B.     They have motor and dorsal root anteriorly

C.     Ventral horn contains ganglion

113.                   About thoracic nerves:

A.     Carry sympathetic innervations

B.     12 intercostal nerves

C.     Supply the skin of the abdomen only

D.     Supply intercostals muscle only

114.                   Best site of lumber puncture:

A.     Above L4

B.     Above L2

C.     Above L3

D.     Below L5

115.                   Coarctation of aorta is associated with:

A.     Constriction just after the subclavian artery

B.     Dilatation below the coarctation

116.                   Down syndrome is associated with before the age of 40:

A.     Alzheimer’s disease

117.                   Placenta:

A.     Separates vessels in muscular layer from spongiosum

B.     Separates vessels from many uterine arteries

C.     Covered with amnion on fetal side

D.     It is also called feto-chorionic

118.                   A patient is febrile and undergoing shock. Investigation shows P. aurignosa. The shock is dues to:

A.     Endotoxin

B.     Factor release

C.     Toxic shock syndrome

D.     Exotoxin

119.                   True about hyperplasia

A.     Cells with rapid mitosis

B.     Occurs in old age

C.     Usually irreversible

120.                   Human is intermediate host in which of the following:

A.     Hydatid cyst disease

B.     Beef tape worm

C.     Encylostoma duedinale

D.     Ascaris

E.     Trachonema vaginalis

121.                   Eosinophilia is not associated with:

A.     IgM

B.     Ascaris

C.     Hey fever

D.     Asthma

E.     IgE

122.                   Heart does not show tetanization due to:

A.     Increase refractory period

B.     Prolonged intermodal delay

C.     Decrease intracellular calcium

123.                   Which of the following is associated with treatment of vomiting, increases the contractility of lower esophageal sphincter and increases the motility of gut

A.     Metoclopramide

124.                   Which of the following is NOT associated with Thyroid hormone?

A.     Catabolism of muscle

B.     Increase metabolic rate

C.     Ionotropic effect

D.     Bone maturation

E.     Anabolism of fatty acids

125.                   Which of the following has highest clearance?

A.     Inulin

B.     PAH

C.     Glucose

D.     Na

126.                   Lesion of common peroneal nerve, inability to:

A.     Eversion

B.     Plantar flexion

C.     Plantar flexion of big toe

D.     Inversion

E.     Medial side sensation

127.                   Eversion/inversion occurs at:

A.     Subtallar joint

B.     Tibiofibular joint

C.     Ankle joint

128.                   15 years old boy present with bleeding :

A.     20 x 109

B.     Platelet count 90 x  109

129.                   In boy the most common cause of petechial rash on oral mucosa and skin after pancreatectomy is due to:

A.     Decrease absorption of vitamin K in gut

B.     Decrease iron

C.     Decrease absorption of vitamin C in gut

130.                   Sarcomere lies between

A.     Z disc

B.     H lines

C.     M lines

131.                   A boy present with complaint of pain abdomen, diagnosed as a case of appendicitis and appendicectomy was done. What would you look on biopsy?

A.     Neutrophils

B.     Eosinophils

C.     Lymphocytes

D.     Plasma cells

132.                   Antibodies are produced by:

A.     Plasma cells

B.     Mast cells

C.     T cells

D.     Neutrophils

133.                   Spinal nerves

A.     Originate from neural crest cells

B.     Ventral rami supply the limbs

134.                   A yellow fever case occurring in area of non-endemic is called:

A.     Sporadic

B.     Endemic

C.     Pandemic

135.                   Which one produces severe reaction while transfusion?

A.     A- to A +

B.     O to AB

C.     A to AB

136.                   A woman with obstructive jaundice, which of the following is marker?

A.     Gamma glutamyl transferase

B.     ALP

C.     AST

D.     ALT

137.                   Ribosomes

A.     Site of protein synthesis

B.     Attached with ER and synthesize cytoplasmic protein

C.     Present in cytoplasm and synthesize protein

D.     Synthesize messenger RNA

138.                   Pain epigastrium due to gastric ulcer carried by:

A.     Greater splanchnic nerve

B.     Lesser splanchnic nerve

C.     Least splanchnic nerve

139.                   Stony dull percussion note on anterior chest:

A.     Pleural effusion

B.     Thickened parietal pleura

C.     Thickened visceral pleura

D.     Pneumothorax

140.                   Creatinin clearance: Plasma creatine = 1.12; Urine creatine = 1.44; Total urine =? Creatinine clearance clearance?

A.     1.68 L/m

B.     168 L/D

C.     1.44 L/m

D.     1.16 L/m

E.     Cannot be calculated with these values

141.                   Which is the following is true about BP study. N = 75; Mean BP= 80 mmHg; SD = 10. How many percentages have blood pressure greater than 10 mmHg?

A.     48%

B.     64%

C.     16%

D.     84%

E.     96%

142.                   In distribution curve, which of the following is most likely?

A.     Normal distribution

B.     Distribution on right side +ive peak

C.     Distribution on left side +ive peak

143.                   Life of platets:

A.     10  days

B.     About 1 week

C.     2-4  days

D.     About 1 month

144.                   About RBCs

A.     Destroy in spleen when are old

B.     Life is 3 weeks

145.                   A 25 years old lady has complaint of weakness, dysphagia, Hh = 6 mg/dl, MCV= 70. She is having target cells in peripheral blood film: Diagnosis?

A.     Iron deficiency

B.     Anemia of chronic disease

C.     Thallassemia intermedia

146.                   A 60 years old patient present with dysphagia and biopsy of mid-esophagus shows squamous cell CA. Condition associated with it is:

A.     Chronic alcoholism

B.     Behaviour disease

C.     Mallory Weis tear

147.                   Perinephric fat and kidney is enclosed by:

A.     Geota’s fascia

B.     Gillson’s fascia

C.     Peritonium

D.     Triangular ligament

E.     Coronary ligament

148.                   Lungs receive blood at rest in liter per minute

A.     5

B.     3

C.     4

D.     2

E.     6

149.                   Staging of tumour is related with:

A.     Invasive extent

B.     Cellular atypia

C.     Hyperchromia

D.     Mitotic bodies

150.                   Venous return decreases in:

A.     Skeletal muscle paralysis

B.     Veno-constriction

C.     Increase blood pressure

D.     Increase cardiac output

151.                   During the increase in HR, which of the following occurs?

A.     Diastolic period decrease more as compared to systolic period

B.     Systolic period decreases and diastolic remains constant

C.     Diastolic decreases and systolic remains constant

D.     Systolic period decreases as diastolic

E.     No change

152.                   A lady presents with bilateral diplopia worsening on evening. Which test is most appropriate to diagnose the case?

A.     Antibodies to acetylcholine receptors

B.     Tensillon test

C.     Nerve conduction study

D.     EMG

153.                   Myasthenia gravis ai improved by:

A.     Anticholinestases

B.     Chilinesterases

C.     Acetylecholine transferases

D.     Acetyle CoA

154.                   Most appropriate function of sternocleidomastoid muscle:

A.     Turns the neck to the opposite side against resistance

B.     Turns the neck to the same side against resistance

C.     Flexes the neck

D.     Extends the neck

155.                   After trauma, patient loses sensory sensations on the lateral palmar surface of the hand and unable to flex index finger. Lesion in:

A.     Median nerve

B.     Radial nerve

C.     Ulnar nerve

D.     Axillary nerve

E.     Musculocutaneous nerve

156.                   Most appropriate for the diagnosis of SLE is?

A.     Ds DNA

B.     Nuclear protein

C.     Rh0 antibodies

D.     Endomycial antibodies

E.     Antinuclear antibodies

157.                   Reversal of MGSO4 :

A.     CaCl2

B.     Bicarbonate

C.     Proteins

D.     Phosphate

158.                   Sojogren syndrome is most likely associated with:

A.     Scleroderma

B.     SLE

C.     Rheumatoid arthritis

D.     Thyroiditis

E.     Ceiliac disease

159.                   A patient comes with leratitis, arthritis, xerosmia. Diagnosis?

A.     Scleroderma

B.     SLE

C.     Rheumatoid arthritis

D.     Thyroiditis

E.     Ceiliac disease

160.                   30 years old man present with hematuria. Biopsy shows patchy urothelium with underlying hyperplasia of smooth muscles. Cause?

A.     Smoking

B.     Tubular sclerosis

C.     Recurrent infections

D.     Hypertension

161.                   Memory loss after trauma:

A.     Hippocampus

B.     Cerebral cortex

C.     Mid-brain

D.     Reticular formation

162.                   During walking painful stimuli causes flexion of the leg. It is:

A.     Reflex with no inter-neuron

B.     Polysynaptic

C.     Muscle stretch

D.     Golgi tendon

163.                   Primary sign of shock:

A.     Rapid pulse

B.     Transient increase in BP

C.     Dyspnia

D.     Altered sensorium

164.                   CO2 diffusion in the lung is greater than O2 is due to?

A.     Greater solubility coefficient

B.     Increased CO2 partial pressure in lungs

C.     Increased density of CO2

165.                   Basic drugs bind to:

A.     A-1 glycoprotein

B.     Albumin

C.     Fat

D.     Water soluble

166.                   Substances that pass through biological membrane in the process of simple diffusion:

A.     Water soluble

B.     Un-saturatable

C.     Energy dependant

D.     Have carrier protein

167.                   In chronic alcoholism which of the following occurs in liver?

A.     Disorganized structure

B.     Constriction of central vein

C.     Distortion of porta-hepatis

168.                   On terminal iliostomy, which of the following occurs?

A.     Increased amount of water in stool

B.     Decreased absorption of fat

C.     Decreased absorption of iron

D.     Decreased absorption of glucose and amino acids

169.                   Micturation reflux:

A.     Involves parasympathetic sacral segment

B.     Initiated by higher center

C.     Controlled by sympathetic

D.     Generates itself