
Thursday, October 24, 2013

World's tallest dog Giant George dies

ARIZONA (Web Desk) - Christine Nasser from Tucson, Arizona with George the great Dane who measured 43 inches (109cm) from paw to shoulder and 7ft 3in (2.2m) from nose to tail

Giant George, Guinness World Records’ tallest dog ever has passed away aged seven at his home in Tuscon, Arizona.
The news was announced by his owners on George’s official facebook page “It is with a heavy heart that we announce Giant George died last night.
George passed away peacefully surrounded by loved ones; one month before his eighth birthday”.
Standing on his hind legs George, a blue Great Dane was able to reach 7ft 3in, a feat that has landed him spots on the Oprah Winfrey Show and ABC’s Good Morning America.
He also has his own book ‘Giant George, Life with the World’s Biggest Dog’.
Despite being the runt of the litter of 13 when he was born, by the time he was fully grown George weighed 17.5st, just over 7st more than the average Great Dane and measuring 43 inches from paw to shoulder.
Owner Dave recounts one of the struggles George faced, “Our local park had a section for puppies but we were bullied out of it by other owners, who were scared George would hurt their pups”.
Despite not being able to play with other dogs Giant George had an active life.
He was involved in fundraising for animal charities as well as getting involved in the local community including attending kindergarten show and tell classes.
Since 2006, when George’s owners got bored of him taking up all the space in their bed, he has slept on his own queen-sized mattress.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Merit List( 2012) of Medical Colleges punjab

Merit List 2012

KEMU 90.0039

AIMC 88.2342

SIMS 87.0152

Nishtar 86.5160

FJMC 86.5108

Ameer ud din 86.0017

PMC 85.6926

RMC 85.5853

QMC 85.1922

Sargoda 85.02

GMC 84.8892

Rahim yar khan 84.69

Gujrat 84.56

Sahiwal 84.51

Sialkot 84.46

DG Khan 84.36

Friday, October 18, 2013

First Year Biochemistry OSPE

First Year Biochemistry OSPE 2011 By Mohsin Ahmad & Nadeem Sabir

Enumerate 2 methods to assess pH?
Write down Handuson Hassen Berg equation
pH meter, pH indicator, pH Paper
pH= pKa + log[salt]/[acid]

Enlist 4 agents by which Proteins can be precipitated?                                                    
1. salts of heavy metals
2. organic solvent
3. acids / alkaloid agents
4. Con. Salt Solutions
5. Strong Acids

What clinical significance of Blood in Urine?
Mention one cause of each painful and hematuria?
Ans: It is indicative of Renal Damage due to Infection, Inflamation or Trauma
Cause of Painful hematuria is stone in Renal systemand painless is truma

Define oligo urea and an urea?
volume of urine less than 600ml/day is called oligo urea
volume of urine less than 100ml/day is called an urea
normal value 1-1.5 liter

Perform modified Millet's test on given solution

Perform Molish's Test on given solution?

Name the general tests for detection of Proteins and enlist important plasma proteins?
Answer: Biuritte test
Albumin, Globulin Prothrombin fimbrinogen

Name the chemical reactions by which derived carbohydrates are obtained? Give one example of each
Answer: oxidation products (Glucose-> Gluconic acid)
Reduction Product (Robose-> Ribitol)
Amino Sugars (Glucose-> Glucosamine)
Deoxy Sugars (Deoxy-ribose)

What is principle of denaturation of Protein?
When a Protein is heated in an acid medium it become denatured as the highly acidic/ Basic and other Physical and Chemical agents can breakdown the force responsible to maintain quaternaary tertiary & seecondary structures effecting only non-covlaent linkages while covalent linkages remain intact

Define rancidity of fats and give its types?
When fats are exposed to air, rise temperature, partial hydrolysis and oxidation of fat occurs which imparts foul smell called Rancidity
Types: oxidative hydrolytic

Perform iodine test on given solution and heat effect?

Perform heat coagulation Test on given solution?

Define standard and normal solution.
standard solution is thah whose concentration is known. Normal solution is that which contain number of gram equalent of solute dissolved in solvent with final volume of 1 liter of solution

How NaH2PO4 is required to prepare 0.5 molar phosphate solution (mol weight=138)
Answer:To prepare 0.5 molar solution of compound, dissolved 138*0.5=69 grm NaH2PO4 in H2O to make 1000ml of solution

Why glucose, fructose, mannose give sane type of Osazone crystals?
Answer: Reaction takes place at C1 & C2, as all these sugars differ in structure only at C1 & C2. So after reacting with phenlyhydrazine, they acquire the same structure , so similar type of crystals are formed

What is mannitol & clinical importance?
Answer: It is reduction reaction of mannose
Clinical importance: reduces cerebral edema.

Convert 120 mg/dl of glucose into mili moles? (mol weight=180)
Answer: mmol/L = (mg/100ml) *10 /mol weight

Name four coloured reactions of protein?
Answer: 1 xanthoproetic
2 million's test
3 Biurette test
Lead acetate
ninhydrin test

what is normal value of cholesterol level? Two function of cholesterol?
Answer: 150-200 mg/dl
Precursor of steroid hormones, component of cell membrane
precursor of vitamin D3 , Bile salts

Perform Hopkincole's Test

Perform Ninhydrin Test

Name the test to detect presence of cholesterol in body and used in lab?
Answer: Liberman Burchard test
salkowiski test

How will you prepare 1M NaOH solution?
Answer: Take 40g of NaOH dissolve it in H2O to make 1000ml of solution

Name the bile pigment responsible for normal urine colour?
Urobillin (urochrome)

Name the bile pigment present in urine along with their respective sources?
Answer: Urobillin and urobillinogen
Source Haem degradation products

How bilirubin is made H2O soluble in body?
Answer: It is made water soluble by its conjugation with glucuronic acid

Colour of bilirubin
Answer: yellow colour

Which keto acid is formed by trans emination of aspartate catalyzed by AST
Answer: oxaloactate

Name any 2 conditions in which elevated AST activity may be observed in plasma
Answer: 1) Myocardial infarction
2) Alcohlic Hepatitis
3) dermato myopathies

what is renal glycourea and Renal Threshold?
Answer: In renal glycouria glucose is excreted in urine due to lowering of Renal threshold. The blood glucose levels are in normal limits
Renal threshold is max blood level of any substance, after which it starts appearing in urine.
It is 180mg/dl

Normal range of serum calcium?
Answer: Normal Range = 85.-10.5 mg/dl

In which form Ca+2 is present in plasma?
Answer: 1. In ionized calcium which is active form 2. Protein bound mainly with albumin and complexed citrates Phosphate and bicarbonates

Which amino acid is mainly deaminated in liver
Answer: Glutamate ( amino acid)

Triacylglycerol molecule contained in chylomicrons and VLDL particles are hydrolyzed by which enzyme?
Answer: Lipo-protien Lipase Enzyme

Where this Enzyme is Located/
Answer: Low density lipo-protein LDL are located inthe endothelium of capillaries of adipose tissue heart and muscle but not in liver

Perform xanthoprotic on the givenn solution?

Perform Benedict's test on the given sample of solution

Which test is specific to detect casein in milk/ and why?
Answer: neumann's test. because it detects phosphate group of casein.

What are Lipoproteins and how they are classified?
Answer: Proteins in the form of apoprotein and lipids like phospholipids and cholestrol and triglycerides or neutral lipids combine to form lipoproteins. they are classified into HDL, LDL IDL, VLDL

What are the end product of lactose hydrolysis by Enzymes? Also name the enzyme?
Answer: Glucose and Glactose. Lactose

Name one test to detect the presence of uric acid in urine/ Uric acid is product of what compound's metabolism?
Answer: Benedict's uric acid test , Murexide Test , schiff's Test
Uric acid is the end product of purine basis Adenine, Guanine

Perform Gmellin's test on the given sample of urine and note the inference?

Perform test for chloride on the given sample and note inference?

Normal value of serum cholestrol level? What are 3 conditions in which serum cholesterol level in Body is decreased?
Answer: Normal range: 150-200mg/dl
1. hyperthyroidism
2. severe liver damage
3. mal nutrition
4. Chronic Anemia

What is iso-electric pH of protein? Give its Clinical Application?
Answer: pH at which a protein molecule possesses no net charge is called iso electric. it is denoted as pI.
At isolated pH the Proteins do not move in an electric field shifting the pH below or above iso-electric pH is used for separation of proteins by electrophoresis.

Convert 120mg/dl of glucose into mmoles/liter

Enumerate 4 disadvantages of pH.
1. expensive
2. more time required
3. large volume required
4. technical expert to handle

Number of carbon atoms in cholesterol molecule and at which position OH is present?
Name Cholesterol Breakdown products?

What is glycosuria? Define TmG
Presence of glucose in urine is known as glycosuria. TmG= threshold maximum of glucose

Name two standard amino acids containing sulphur?
Cysteine &  Methionine

Name four  organic constituents present in urine?
Urea uric acid ammonia creatine ketone bodies

Name three functions of cholesterol
Maintain fluidity of cell membrane
Acts as precursor of vitamin D

Precursor of steroid hormones

How many grams of NaCl are present in 0.2 mole of 200 ml solution of NaCl. Mol weight= 58.5

Wednesday, October 16, 2013