
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Measles : A Common Childhood Illness

Case History #1

Mira, 2 years old, admitted in the paediatric Department presented with undiagnosed constant fever which was associated with watering of eye, sore throat. Rashes appeared on whole body on 3rd day of fever. We diagnosed it as Measles clinically as we found a koplik spot behind the molar teeth.
Measle affected Child

Case History #2

Nadim, 24 years old, admitted to hospital with constant  fever for 1 weak, which was accompanied by headache, watering of eye, sleeplessness, restlessness. Doctors first confused as Enteric fever. When rashes comes after a weak of fever, Some doctors told it might be infectious mononucleosis. On lab investigation, the measles was diagnosed, which was quite surprising.
Measle affected adult

What is Measles?

It is a highly communicable viral infection which mainly attacks respiratory systemthat is now can be prevented by vaccination programs.

What is Measles Virus?

It is a paramyxo virus of Morbilli virus genus.
Measles virus

How it spreads?

It is circulated by air droplets, may be sneezing of the infected person.

Is measles is contagious?

Yes! It is very contagious.

How the disease presents?

Classical measles appears as :
  • Koplik’s Spot (Confirmatory for Measles)
  • Constant fever
  • Cough
  • Running nose
  • Watering of eye with reddening
  • Sore throat
  • Rashes all over the body

What is Koplik’s Spot?

It is a spot found in the cheek inside the mouth behind the molar teeth.
Koplik Spot

How Rashes appear?

The rashes starts to appear from back of the head behind the ear. Its a kind of maculopapular rash , may be associated with itching.
Rash behind ear

Can we prevent Measles?

Yes, we can! we can prevent it by immunize the baby with MMR vaccine (also contain vaccine for mumps and rubella)
measle vaccine

Current Facts about Measles

  • Now there is an epidemic spread of Measles in Europe and Africa region reported by WHO.
  • According to WHO fact sheet, there were 164 000 measles deaths in whole world in 2008

What happened if not treated?

Following complication may arise:
  • Diarrhea
  • Pneumonia
  • Otitis media
  • Acute encephalitis
  • Corneal ulceration
  • Corneal scarring.
Complications are severe in adults if affected with measles.

How It can be Diagnosed?

  • It is usually diagnosed clinically by history of fever, cough, conjunctivitis for at least 3 days with presence of Koplik spot.
  • By laboratory investigation, We can detect measles IgM antibody.

Treatment plan

The treatment is symptomatic
  • Isolation of patient.
  • The patient should take adequate rest.
  • Proper Diet Should be maintained
  • Should take plenty of water.
  • Fever Should be controlled by Anti-pyretic drugs
  • For rashes, we can use emollients like calamine lotion
  • Closely observe the patient for any deterioration.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

3rd Year Send Up Papers Of All Colleges

3rd Year Send Up Papers  Of All Colleges